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Welcome 💜 I don't know why y'all was asking for this story update but here we go.

Leaning secretly against the playroom door, Taehyung watch his hubby and sons interaction silently with a sweet smile over his face. He watched Jungkook falling dramatic back when soobin hits him with his chubby hands and a chuckle escape taehyung's mouth when instead of worrying about their dying papa, the twins only take a place on their papa stomach.

"Ohhh , why do you treat me like? I'm dying --- literally dying, oh hold on! Junnn" the pretty male makes his presence known when he couldn't help laughing out loudly when yeonjun sits his ass on his father's face, suffocating the poor mafia out of breath.

But he stands up Instantly waddling his way towards Taehyung along with soobin , neglecting Jungkook who look offended but the small smile on his face isn't hidden from Taehyung.

"I understand I'd pick him over myself too but can you bunnies be a little less harsh and pretend you care about this poor daddy a little bit?" Jungkook whines moving faster than the twins to block them from reaching Taehyung.

"If they cry , I am leaving you to deal with them for the whole day hubby " moving faster than the speed of air, Jungkook makes himself invisible which he didn't have to try hard. The twins only see him when Taehyung is not in the room, the same goes for him too.

"I shouldn't have put much of my blood in that milk production, now I'm competing with my own product" the mafia boss groan then mentally roll his eyes when his pretty wifey throw a glare towards him , like why is this household treating him like this? He didn't even say any bad words.

Taehyung sighs picking him soobin and held his hand out for yeonjun, the pretty male then roll his eyes at Jungkook before turning away from the sulking male.

"The only time you should be able to roll your eyes at me should be when we making another babies----

Jungkook knew when to put his lousy mouth to shut, the look Taehyung gave him clearly states-- guess who's sleeping out in the garden tonight?. And since Jungkook wouldn't like to be the loser who'd sleep outside in the cold when he'd be inside getting his dick suck by his ethereal wifey, he decided to look away and keep his mouth shut until the twins and Taehyung are away from his sight.

And trust me , doing that is hard. Really hard for someone like Mr jeon whose mouth might be in competition with the gutter dirtiness.

"No one loves me" he whine walking after his cute babies.

Taehyung has a small smile on his face when he settled the kids down on the big blankets he made for them in the center of the living room, his exams for his finals are coming up. Just few months and he's becoming a graduate. He needs to study while keeping his eyes on their kids.

His mind unconsciously thinking about when he made it to college single but now graduating with a lot of blessings.

He couldn't even describe how much of happiness flowing inside him at the moment, whenever he sits and review his life. He's always left speechless, he's not just lucky but also blessed.

His gaze unconscious went to his wrist where the multi-million worth diamond bracelet was sitting prettily, it was their twins second birthday party weeks ago but he's gotten the beautiful bracelet first in the morning with Jungkook singing praises to his existence. Nothing  is new about Jungkook singing praises to him but it never fails to melt taehyung's heart.

If he was told three years ago that he'd be married with two kids at this stage of his life , he'd have laugh out loudly and wonder how he's going to get that done without living his room.

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