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I have a new story on my buymecoffe account titled MY ONE. Click the link in my bio to read. House of cards is also avaiyto read there💜♥️

"— and you need to tell Taehyung about it soon, we need to starts acting on it soon" Jungkook sighs at yoongi's words, tiredly massaging his temple with the tip of his two fingers.

"I will try and discuss that with him soon but not right now, he's still giving me attitude about working" yoongi frown at that , noticing the unusual dullness on Jungkook's voice when he talk about Taehyung.

"Why? I mean , he's a graduate kook. Let him work, don't start a fight in your marriage because of your overprotective habit---- the older of the two male press his lips into thin line when the mafia boss throw him a very deadly glare, even though he's older than Jungkook--- he know damn well not to press some buttons when it comes to Taehyung and his kids.

Jungkook sighs again for the hundred times that day, having a disagreement with Taehyung literally drown him out of his energy easily than fighting in his mafia world. The pretty male was treating him like a stranger since weeks ago when they have the working discussion again, truly it's been almost three years since Taehyung graduated and the discussion happened back then too but ended with Jungkook assuring Taehyung he doesn't need to work because....... He's doing the whole work enough to secure the family future.

The mafia boss can't understand why the discussion happened again and start causing problems in his house, is he doing something wrong or maybe he'd offended his wifey one way or the other that male decided to get starts working?.

"I am only looking after him hyung, we have five years old hyperactive kids at home that stresses him all the time. They don't even let him have a peaceful sleep because they want his attention all the fucking time----

Yoongi snorted.

"And I wonder where they get that behavior" Jungkook roll his eyes.

"And it's already stressful enough for him, now he wants to add work stress along with it. I just don't want him stressing over work and family at the same time, he's keeping the family together then I should also be useful and keep working for the family---- why can't he just understand me?" The young CEO groan running his fingers through his hair while yoongi watch the boy keenly, he'd notice now the big bags under Jungkook's eyes and the way his tie was in a very bad position.

"You know he went to college with his own dream.... Suffer to get them certificate only for you to expect him to keep them in the house for you and yes , I know you mean no harm. Sit him down and speak to him without throwing sexual jokes around-----

Even though Jungkook seem worn out, he still manage a small smile.

"That's a mission impossible, unless I decided to have that discussion with me blindfolded--- that won't help no shit either, I just need to hear his voice and I'll start malfunctioning" yoongi make a disgusting face and decided to totally dismiss whatever bullshit the idiot infront of him has spurt.

"Shut up , all I am saying is that, explain how you feel about him working to him like you just did to me. Taehyung is very understanding, he'll come around---- and if he doesn't let him work and just make a visit to his work place, you know so he'll get special treatment.... It's as easy as that, I don't want you stress because of the deal coming in next month. So get your ass up now and go make everything right with your so pretty wifey" Jungkook's head snapped at yoongi's last word, the older male instantly hold his hands up in the air.

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