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Welcome💜 ( y'all mad ?👀👀 Slow update is annoying right 😭 but yeah, I'm getting intimidated with this story and feel like it won't goes well as it was going so yeah , I'm sorry okay ?)

"I swear, someone needs to study how to be creepy level 201 by you hubby , can you not follow me with your eyes for a moment?" Taehyung whines side glaring at Jungkook who was dreamily staring at him even tho he was not allow to leave his bed, but Taehyung sure knows the mafia leader eyes and mind might have go beyond where his feet might even reach and he was right.

Jungkook can't keep his eyes away from the pretty male for a second , he wasn't still trying to understand which part of his soon to be husband isn't real , at least to make the situation less than a dream or hallucinating. But he had find none , Taehyung is too perfect and it's making his heart goes flip flop.

He chuckle slightly at the boy's words , the pretty male was helping him to open the window blinds and Jungkook forget about all the pain in his body for the day , Taehyung was right by his side through the whole day. He has tried to convince Taehyung to attend classes but the pretty male insisted saying a day absent won't affect his study.

"Don't blame me my world , we both need to question uncle God for making you look so fucking perfect , don't you think English need to be sue?" Taehyung already used to Jungkook's crackhead nature and how blunt the man is when it comes to complementing him, he didn't turn to avoid revealing his burning up face to Jungkook.

"Why?" he ask softly , staring outside Jungkook's room window , he can the men dressed in black suit just moving around the compound , he knows they might currently be idle since their leader has landed on a sick bed.

"It couldn't even provide a better word to describe you my love , beauty isn't enough, pretty sound to low to appreciate what God has done with you infact ,I felt like perfect wasn't enough but let me just say you're the perfection in imperfections. All cards never decline ,and you're such an angel- on my heart can't take all these" pressing his lips into thin line , Taehyung slowly turn to face Jungkook who was dramatically holding his chest like he was in pain.

"I don't even know what to say anymore, let me ask , I've you always been like this or ? I break the worst out of you?" Taehyung curiously ask stepping forward to sits gently at the edge of Jungkook's bed , but he jokingly roll his eyes when the mafia leader reach his hand out for him to hold , he did either way.

"Being honest ? It has always been in my blood and complimenting someone has never be my thing , but I just have to be your mirror reminding you of how special you're everyday incase you forget , I call you my world for a reason" Jungkook softly claim , rubbing tae's hand under his palm softly.

"You're nice Jungkook , I hope we can really make this work , you know marriage isn't a child play and yeah I really hope you're all you're showing me. Isn't it funny way I'm trusting you blindly?" Taehyung chuckle slightly looking ahead as he didn't want to meet Jungkook's gaze , he was going with the flow gently but he knows there's a moment he'd have to sits and have a serious conversation with Jungkook.

Things doesn't work the way it was going between them and Taehyung just hope he wasn't making any mistakes on his side , isn't it absurd getting married at the age of eighteen while he was still a students trying to secure a better place in his future.

Yeah Jungkook has said he can continue his studies and live normally as he wishes but is he crazy for trusting a Total stranger words ? , Isn't it insane of him to have some much trusts on Jungkook's words and felt safe around the man.

He can't help but wonder about how much calm he has become just under a month , is Jungkook really sincere or Taehyung is just blindingly acting like weaklings that patiently wait for their knight shining in armor? , The cruel part of his own story is he had got no hero at the corner watching through him .

Or maybe his hero is currently sitting right infront of him?.

"I understand your worries , but I'm not making a promise but taking a swear infront of you Taehyung, as long as I'm alive , and this heart beating still constantly going up and down , I'll always make sure you're in a place you wish and not my choice. I love you more than you could ever imagine, yeah I know that love change but I can assure you the only thing that'll change between us will be time" Taehyung look up to meet the older male gaze , it's the honest in the man's eyes that make him breath out loudly.

Fuck Everything, you die once and you are done ! Those who make it alive will be mark as heros.

"I'm putting all my trust in your words blindly Jungkook and I hope I won't have any regret on that. Your work means you should mean , rude and since I haven't notice any such behavior with me so I guess we can try to make this work?" Jungkook smile widely leaning forward uncomfortably but he just want to hug Taehyung for a moment.

"Thank you, for trying to give me a chance , I promise to love you to my last breath" Taehyung hummed patting Jungkook's back softly before he gently pull away from the embrace .

"Sits well hubby , you're going to make your wound bleed again" Jungkook whines with a big fat pout on his face , fuck that dead man once again , because of him he can't even hug Taehyung probably after missing his chance of taking the boy on second date.

Yeah , he's still bitter about that and so what ?! Sue him!.

"I just want to hug you" he whines loudly stumping his foot under the blanket and Tae gasps in disbelief at the man that was literally throwing tantrum , isn't this the same man that has bragged about killing someone to his parent just day ago?. He really need to check maybe his hubby isn't really bipolar.

Scientist can't explain this duality.

"Oh you big baby, if you stay calm for days and take your medicine regularly then eat well and let your wound heal , I'm going to give you kisses" Taehyung propose and watch Jungkook's legs stop moving under the blanket , the man's doe eyes stare at up in surprised but also suspiciously.

"You're not lying?" Jungkook ask to make sure Taehyung wasn't messing around with him.

"It's a promise hubby and I'll give one now , so where do you want your first kiss?" Taehyung ask leaning down at Jungkook who dramatically fan his face with his hand , Tae is holding back from laughing loudly.

"Anywhere but not my lips , I don't want to pass out today" Taehyung didn't question the man's over dramatic words before he lean over , holding Jungkook's head with his two hand softly and Taehyung swear he felt Jungkook went limp in his hand when he place a soft kiss on the man's forehead.

He pull way and see Jungkook staring lost into space , did he really broke him?.

"Jungkook breath !"


Sorry for mistake

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