sixty six

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Welcome 💜( I should have dropped this chapter days ago but got busy with life shits....sorry💜. Visit the link on my bio to support on my buymecoffe account. thanks🥰♥️💜)

Jungkook turns on his heels only to come face to face to Taehyung who has his brow raised in question, the mafia boss gulp slightly wondering just how much Taehyung heard. Even though his pretty wifey accepted this line of his work, he never wanted Taehyung to see him in any light other than the perfect husband he's to his wife and perfect father to his kid.

He knows Taehyung isn't nerve to not know about usual activities of mafia but if Jungkook was given chance , he'd never allow Taehyung to see him in that line of his work.

He sighs putting a smile on his face, lying was never his shits so he better do what he's best at---- diverting the attention from whatever Taehyung has heard.

"Yoongi's hyung non-existent love life, that's what we are getting rid off--- come here wifey, I have to discuss something with you" Taehyung frown fully understanding what Jungkook is trying to do, yoongi makes his appearance invisible knowing damn well that if Taehyung should question, he's going to be spitting the truth without second thoughts.

"B-but I heard you talking about killing someone hubby----

"Let's keep your innocence intact dear darling wife, you heard nothing. Someone is coming over in about ten minutes, I should've informed you about this before it skips my mind out of all things" the mafia leader knows Taehyung doesn't wish to drop the topic about what he'd heard and Jungkook sure is also not ready to entertain that conversation.

"Who is coming over?" The pretty male decided to question, keeping the previous conversation for later.

"A specialist, he's going install a tracking device on your wrist" Jungkook take a pause at his pretty wifey terrified expression, he mentally beat himself up for not getting Taehyung ready for this before now.

"Hear me out love, you know your husband right? I'll never allow anyone to hurt you but trust me, this is really needed---- please darling Hun, I know I can keep you safe all the time but this is just for my peace of mind, please???" Taehyung wonder maybe his husband knows the effect he has on him when he request something from him so sweetly that every negative answers from Taehyung mouth die down almost instantly.

Keeping his trust on Jungkook, he nods his head and it wasn't even ten minutes later when he heard loud knocks on their door.

Something doesn't settle well with Taehyung, right after the doctor left he was followed by yoongi but that isn't what's troubling Taehyung but the looks Jungkook gave his hyung when the said male was leaving, the pretty boy can tell those two are up to no good. He'd just wait patiently till evening, he knows Jungkook can't lie to save his ass.

"Mama!" He raise his head towards the stairs and see soobin who was humping down the stairs like a bunny while yeonjun crawl carefully down the stairs, he laugh at the bold difference between the twins.

"Hey my loves" he watch as soobin waited patiently for yeonjun at the end of the stairs so they can walk to their mother together, the pure innocent bound melt taehyung's heart into puddle. His happing has never know limits when it comes to these two.

He doesn't know what the future holds but marrying Jungkook has been the best decision of his life.

"Come here bunnies" he stretch his arms widely to welcome his kids but it only takes the little kids seconds to notice the bandage around his wrist, Taehyung watch their doe eyes went wide terrified before they're screaming out loudly for their father who runs down the stairs worried just seconds later.

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