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If you're to judge me by my stories , which type of person do you think I am?👀👀

"I need to change , let me go" taehyung whine loudly trying to get jungkook off him , the man won't even let him out of his embrace for minutes--- he's not even allowing him to change our of heavy wedding gown.

Taehyung glare at jungkook when the said male make a protesting noise , the you CEO finally move back causing taehyung to breath out relieved.

"Good, where do you keep my things?" Jungkook pout but nevertheless took taehyung's hand into his as he drag the oblivious male towards the white which wasn't too hard to notice.

"What is----

The rest of taehyung's words were gulp down when jungkook pushed the door open and the big ass closet--- no he means a clothes store came into their view.

What the actual fuck?.

"A little gifts for my wifey" taehyung really doesn't mean to choke on his spit so fast like he did, a little what again?....

Taehyung let his eyes wander over the whole closet filled with different outfits both dresses and pants with shirts, different jewelries with different expensive shoes--- by expensive, taehyung was talking about shoe he won't even be able to afford.

"Damn! Do you really have to go this far hubby?" Taehyung wonder out loudly moving closer to admire his new outfits.

"Yes of course, it really took me time to arrange them all----

Taehyung glance at jungkook surprised.

"You arranged all this by yourself?" Taehyung couldn't resist the urge to run into jungkook's embrace when the man nods his head , might have took him probably years to get this done by himself.

Jungkook is really one ambitious man , and taehyung wasn't much surprise now on how the boy was able to build himself at such a young age.

"Thank you so much, I can't even wear all these finish in hundred years" half of taehyung's words definitely didn't reach jungkook's ears , this is probably the first time Taehyung isn't scolding him about his decision but rather seem genuinely grateful---

The young CEO just smile patting his husband's back gently.

"Your night wears are here" jungkook walk taehyung to where his night wears are located.

"Nice choice bro" taehyung laugh silently at the offended gasps he heard from jungkook immediately those words left his lips, Totally discarding the whining little puppy bunny in the room , taehyung decided to finally change out of his outfit but he suddenly pause as he held his dress zip---

Contemplating on what's the right choice , is it okay for him to change infront of jungkook now that they're married or he needs to step outside to get changed? Jesus , why was he not informed on how to act as a married man?.

He was snap out of his thoughts by jungkook who seem to have notice his battle against his own mind.

"Do you need help with that?" Taehyung glance at jungkook through the full length mirror before sighing out loudly , he shouldn't really feel uncomfortable with jungkook's present when the man has never give him a reason to.

So he decided to embalmed all his worries and fears deep down in his mind, what's going to be is definitely going to be.

"Yes please hubby"

"You don't have to beg me" jungkook murmur softly as he carefully helped taehyung out of the heavy gown leaving the pretty male in his underwear only.

Taehyung watch but confusedly wondering when jungkook crushed down infront of him but his confusion soon melt into the air when the young mafia boss starts unbuckling his heels for him.

"Do you wear anklets?" The younger male shakes his head at his husband question causing jungkook to glance up at him.

"You don't wear it or you don't like it?"

"I just don't wear it and never tried it-----

Jungkook hums taking taehyung's shoes to place on the shoes self while the pretty male took the time to change into his night wear.

"No shower?---

"I'm tired"

Jungkook move closer hugging taehyung from behind.

"I was going to say what I heard about night shower but you're tired, so sad I have to keep my words to myself" taehyung jokingly roll his eyes at jungkook's reflection in the mirror, he'd obviously sees the mischievous look on the man's face.

"That's some good news darling" taehyung smiles at jungkook's fake pout.

"Rude! You really need a shower baby-- you don't have to move an inch---

"Good things about having a husband like me is that , I can put clothes on and put it off for you at the same time---- okay sorry, let me help you out of your  cloth then" jungkook quickly changes the direction of his words when taehyung glares at him through the mirror.

He decided to help tae out of the pajamas he just put on seconds on ago , taehyung was kinda surprised no dirty comments was make by jungkook.

Jungkook place the clothes back on the shelf before moving to stand infront of taehyung who was now standing only in his underwear.

"Uh-huh do you want me to Uhm lead you to the bathroom?" Taehyung amusingly raised his brow at jungkook's stammers, the aforementioned male face was all red and it took taehyung seconds to understand the boy is probably shy--- jungkook and shy , sound absurd to taehyung's ears.

"Are you shy? Why are you trying to avoid looking at me?---

"I'm not!" The quick answer make taehyung understand his guess was indeed right , the mighty jeon jungkook is shy.

Taehyung cup the older male face gently as he force jungkook to look at him on the eye.

"You are"

"I am not , I just don't want to make you feel uncomfortable because I don't think I'll be able to look away the moment I take a glance" taehyung gulps, trying hard not to back away from jungkook's intense gaze , what the hell is he doing Jesus.

"I never told you to look away" jungkook smiles wrapping his arms around tae's bare waist just to pull the younger impossibly close.

"You haven't said I'm allowed to look either----

"Uh-- I have to tell you that?" Taehyung wonder out finally moved his eyes away jungkook's gaze, it was too intense for him to stand honestly.

"I love you"

"I---- suddenly?"

"Hmn , you're being cute right now and my heart couldn't take it" jungkook smiles moving back a bit from taehyung, the said male frown but his frown soon melt away when jungkook pull his own shirt over his head messily throwing it on the floor.

"We should really get ready for bed now, you're definitely tired---

"Hmn" tae nods his head as he make a movement to walk past jungkook only to pull into his husband embrace again.

"I think you need this---


Taehyung's words was forced down his throat when jungkook linked their lips together.


Sorry for mistakes

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