twenty nine

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Jungkook hold his hand out for taehyung to take as they all alighted from the car , Mr jeon was standing at the entrance of the mansion looking all worried and jungkook guess one of the guard must have informed the man as they heard him speaking to both jin and hoseok earlier.

The pretty male sighs , letting the mafia boss help him out of the car even tho sincerely he doesn't think he need help to get down from a fucking car.....but his mind was scattered on jin's earlier accusations when they were inside the car.

He honesty wasn't blaming jungkook or trying to— at least that's what he understands in his own perceptive, he just have to let the man have his piece of mind about his choice of work without sugar-coating his words.

But guess his words presentation aren't that good or maybe wasn't taken well.

He bowed his head slightly in respect to Mr jeon who was roaming his eyes all over tae's body , probably trying to look for any scars but the man breath out loudly relieved when he didn't notice any sort of marks on the boy's body.

He turn to jungkook.

"What Happened? I thought you have men who look after him?---

"They're not on my side anymore, probably get better offer and decided to work against me" jungkook reply shortly making the older jeon frown confusedly.

"How's that possible?"

Jin and hoseok chuckle.

"Everything is possible in this world Mr jeon, money buys everything including humans dignity and loyalty" jin stated nonchalantly.

"Pa , I need to get some things done--- can you help baby to my room? And get him some clothes to change? I'll be back" jungkook announce making the pretty male frown and tighten his hand that was in jungkook's , the male didn't let go of his hand after helping him down from the car earlier.

Jungkook look at taehyung.

"Please love , you'll have to stay here for some days until I get rid of all these--- I promise it won't take much , just help me to come up with some excuses for mum and dad" taehyung blink his eyes at jungkook calling his own parents mum and dad but nod his head , he close his eyes when jungkook lean forward a bit but the pretty male felt his tense body calming down instantly when jungkook's lips comes in contact with his forehead.

"Tell Grandpa whatever you need and he'll keep your company if you want until I come back---

Taehyung cuts the mafia boss off halfway.

"Where are you going? You're not going to fight with guns again are you?" He ask making both jin and hoseok exchange mischievous looks among each other , it's nice to know the pretty boy at least cares about their boss.

Jungkook smiles softly at that.

"No , just need to see someone and I'll be back before you even notice" jungkook mutter softly and taehyung nods his head hesitantly but still take Mr jeon hand when the old man hold his out for him, jungkook sighs when his grandpa finally shut the door close.

He turn to jin and hoseok , his soft eyes that was staring at taehyung just second ago now hold no any emotions in them.

"We are going to see those two guys tonight but we'll drop by yoongi's studio on our way" the two just nods and get into work instantly without any questions, they know even tho the day is almost over--- it's definitely going to be a long day for them.

Taehyung really can't deny the fact that he enjoy Mr jeons company probably more than he should , the old man finally give him a good reason to understand why half of jungkook's life is base on dramatic. The man totally keeps his mind off the earlier chaos by telling him the story of when he was young and how he had met his wife, weird but taehyung does really enjoy it.

The two raise their head up when jungkook's room door was push open by no one other than jungkook himself , the man's face was blank totally but a tiny smile does manage to invade his blank expression the moment his eyes fall on taehyung who was sitting on his bed with his legs folded under his butt. Wearing one of jungkook's shirt.

"Welcome, this old man can finally sleep" Mr jeon yawn getting up and taehyung giggles softly at the man's words.

"Old sexy but cool man" he winks at the man who smile before winking back at him while jungkook just watch between the two confusedly, so only few hours is enough for his grandpa to snatch his husband away?.

Well not husband anymore but still!! This old man never heard about staying loyal? He guess not.

"Grandpa , aren't you going out before? Good night" the two figures in the room doesn't even have to look jungkook's face to know he's jealous because it stinks already in the air if you ask them.

"I better go to sleep before a burning heart blows up , good night pretty" Mr jeon laugh loudly when jungkook look at him with an expression that explains, I don't trust you anymore.

"Don't get close with men , especially if they're old enough to be my grandparents and also if they have jeon as their first name---

Taehyung only roll his eyes at the analysis of the mafia leader.

"Do I even have right to say that to you now?" Taehyung raise his brow at jungkook's dejected voice , he finally get remembered of the heat conversation in the car earlier.


"I am already working on the issue and it'll over soon probably in days , do you call your parents yet?" Jungkook ask before taehyung could say anything, he get rid of his jacket and sits down on the chair inside the room.

"Yeah , I told them I'll be staying in hostel for days---

"You've hostel?" The mafia boss question surprised about the new reveal.

"Yup , I don't stay much there because you know--- too much attention" tae mentally grimace remembering how he had to deal with fake ass people who wants to be his friends , he sees True their fakeness.


"About earlier, I'm really sorry for sounding like that. I have no intentions of blaming you for anything, it's---

Jungkook butted in with a sigh.

"It's just you're scared and afraid , something any normal human would have as a reaction if they're in your position, I know you don't mean it but it just really makes feel like I should really work more harder in keeping you safe even if it means US won't work----


"I understand you much trust me taehyung---

"No you don't! I just spill some words I don't mean earlier, why are you calling me by name?" Jungkook blink in realisation because he really does not mean to call the pretty male name , he need sleep seriously.

"Sorry for that baby, can we talk about this tomorrow? Sorry but I really really need to close my eyes right now" taehyung sighs nodding his head , he have got a lot to say but seeing jungkook's tired face just make him give up.

They can have their discussion later.


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