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Jungkook with both jin and hoseok just keep staring at the two thugs infront of them, not like they found those two humans funny or much attractive but because the two males act.

They've invited the two thugs to meet them in a club and jungkook had to suppress his urge to commit murder when the two just enter and pick a bottle of each alcohol on their table, raising it up to their mouth instantly without a single greeting or introduction about what they came here for.

"Wow , it's be a while I had a taste of this" one of the thugs commented sighing out loudly before dropping the empty bottle back on the table and finally take a seat opposite others , follow right after by his partner in crime.

"Okay so who's the boss?" Both jin and hoseok exchange looks among each other at that , honesty they had also found it hard the first time to actually believe jungkook is a mafia boss--- the body aside , have you seen that baby face?. ( can I have that body that we put aside?🙃)

Knowing jungkook patient might actually be at the edge for the fact that taehyung is at home waiting for him , jin decided to step in.

"He's the boss" he deadpanned, pointing to jungkook who just keep staring at the two thugs unamused.

"He's ? Damn! Jackson I bet he's younger than you-- what have you been doing with your life?" One of thugs commented facing the second one who only roll his eyes.

"Keep your mouth shut Joon--

"I heard you two are never loyal and only cares about money---

Namjoon and Jackson gasps at jungkook's offensive words but the mafia boss isn't really here to sugarcoat his words for them.

"That hurts you know---

"True or not?" Jungkook ask cutting namjoon's words off half way.

The said man sighs.

"Yeah , it's a true! Highest bidder get this treasure right here" jin and hoseok can't resist the urge to scoff out loudly when namjoon pointed to him as the treasure.

"I don't need to tell you who you've been working with recently, you know you've been sent after me so how much were you paid?" Jackson scoff before sitting up.

"Man you can't even make this seem more professional--

"You two aren't professionals but bunch of humans who live off others pains , so tell me how much you were paid?" Jungkook stated as a matter of fact leaving the two thugs speechless for some seconds.

"Damn , kid you better offer some respect before I kick your ass back to when you were born" Jackson make a pointed finger forward to jungkook who can only roll his eyes.

"What do you want ? I mean what can I over you to make you stay loyal to me forever?" And the two thugs can only laugh loudly at jungkook's face making the mafia boss sighs out loudly.

It's not going to be an easy night for him.

Taehyung was laying down jungkook's bed with his phone in his hands , he was chatting with jimin who had left earlier that day— but he raise his head up when the door was suddenly push open slowly.

A small smile invade his face when jungkook step into the room , the man does seem a little bit surprised to see him awake by the time of the day.

However, jungkook step forward leaning over the bed just peck the pretty male cheeks.

"Hey baby" he greeted and chuckle when the younger boy reply him back under his breath totally avoiding meeting jungkook's gaze.

"Why are you still wide awake by this time?---

"Waiting for you" jungkook beams at the pretty male reply , he can't even hide his happiness as he smile widely at taehyung who had to look away instantly to avoid getting blind by that bright smile. Dramatic.

"You don't know how much that means to me , I'll just take a quick shower and come out back--- and this is for you" taehyung confusedly take the bag from jungkook, getting curious instantly at what might be inside but a wide smile hit his face when he sees chocolate cake inside the pack.

"I saw it on my way back , I'm hoping you won't be asleep and I am Lucky--- jungkook added.

"Thank you--- taehyung suddenly pause.

"But I bet I'll be in competition with panda tomorrow morning if I eat cake this late at night" the pretty male chuckle and jungkook roll his eyes at that almost instantly.

"You can keep it to eat tomorrow if you'll get stomach upset from it but if it's about panda shits , I won't mind shoving it down your throat and you know it won't be only this cake then" jungkook smirks at his last words , suggestively wiggling his brows at taehyung who can't help but gasps again.

He was right when he said he won't ever get used to jungkook antics , this man is a case.

"What the fuck hubby! Can't we have a conversation without you being dirty?" Taehyung sighs looking so done at the mafia boss who was busy laughing at his soft misery.

"Uhm , I was talking about juice-- orange juice and you take it to a wrong way, my heart isn't really innocent---

Jungkook jump up from the edge of the bed he was siting when taehyung glare deadly at him , already picking up the pillow probably to strangle this man to death and save his himself of this second hand embarrassment.

"Don't be shy my world ,it feels nice knowing my love isn't innocent--- I don't want to take the time that meant to take you to the sky teaching you where to put my junior but mighty jeon---- ouch

Jungkook yell running into the bathroom and shut the door close instantly when taehyung slippers hits his face , he was laughing loudly.

"Oh my God! Such a pervert human being" taehyung grumble under his breath and decided to just eat his cake , jungkook had drain out the little energy he have got in him.

But he raise his head up when the bathroom door was pulled open and jungkook head peep out slowly.

"My love , do you wanna take a bath with him?"

"Yes of course" taehyung smile sinisterly gently placing his cake down on the night stand , in everything always protect the cake.

Jungkook would've wait for taehyung to get close to him if only the pretty male haven't picked up jungkook's boots that was laying on the floor, the mafia boss doesn't have to be told before he shut the door close back and decided to take a peaceful bath without opening his eyes in hell later.

Safety, safety,safety,and safety then safety.

Taehyung was almost falling asleep back when he felt the bed dipping besides him , he blink one of his eyes when he was pull closer to jungkook who was now wearing his pajamas.

"I was only in there for ten minutes and you're already asleep?" Jungkook smiles using his hand to poke tae's cheeks softly, the pretty male can only him with his eyes closed.

"After I take care of the mess, we can pick a date for our wedding right?" Taehyung sighs blinking his eyes open to meet jungkook's.

"Yes" and jungkook can only pull the younger male closer to him and hug him rightly almost knocking breath out of the poor boy.

He's just happy.

Wedding bells bitches 🥳🥳🥳


Sorry for mistakes

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It's pointless making update plans because I'm never going to stick to it 😂😂😂😂😂

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