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What's funny about this chapter is the fact that I wrote this after crying out of my down moment day.....yeah enjoy.

"I wonder who my grandson will have to murder for this sadness on your face, tell me pretty man-- what's wrong" taehyung sighs at the old man question moving to take seat opposite the man who was sitting in his sitting room , a mug of tea in his hand and news paper on the second hand.

"Guess he'd murder himself then" taehyung grumble out and watch Mr jeon face brighten up in amusement , he place his mug down.

"Don't tell me you guys have your first couple disagreement?" Taehyung frown totally not understanding why the older jeon seem so happy that he have argument with his husband.

"And that's a good thing?" He knows jungkook weirdness must have come from somewhere and oh , here's bigger version of jungkook infront of him.

"Of course darling! That means you're bounding so great, couples having misunderstandings are just normal. Tell me what he did , maybe I'd use this weak moment of his to shoot my shot at you" Mr jeon wiggle his brow suggestively at taehyung who just sighs out loudly.

"Came home all drunk--

The smile on older jeon's face wipe down instantly.

"He did what? Jungkook and drunk? He's probably going through a lots to have get drunk" Mr jeon stated as a matter of fact and taehyung nods in agreement.

"I know, he even forgot we had to visit you today--- I got mad and just walk out on him to avoid snapping hard on him" taehyung shrugs.

"Damn , he must be beating himself up right now"

"I'll believe that if he wasn't just outside your house, I just came to drop this off--- I need get home with that stalker before he looses his mind" Mr jeon chuckle softly at taehyung's words , he nods his head bidding byes to the young boy.

Taehyung said nothing entering jungkook's car , he can swear he heard jungkook's heart beating rapidly against his chest.

Just as the mafia boss make a lip movement to say anything, taehyung was fast to cut him off.

"Just drive yeah" sighing loudly and beating himself more than he had done , he just starts the ignition-- no matter the situation, he still can't overlooked his husband's command. Even though all he wanna do at the moment is hugging his husband and beg him until the boy forgives him.

He knows how much worried taehyung must have got only for him to show up irresponsibly drunk, he really did fuck up.

"So?" Taehyung raise his brow at the mafia boss who have been standing infront of him for more than thirty minutes, he can see the boy keep opening his mouth then close it back probably because of taehyung's blank expression.


Another long pause that makes taehyung finally scoff out loudly and move out of the bed ready to walk away.

"I guess you don't have any reason right? Excuse me please--

The pretty male press his lips into thin line when jungkook make a grab on his wrist instantly, eyes begging taehyung for things he doesn't even understand.

"I---- uhm--- I'm sorry okay? I just don't want be a failure to you but I failed at doing that just right....I'm sorry" jungkook grumble making taehyung frown and turn his body fully towards jungkook who was staring down at his feet.


"I am pathetic and can't even do anything right...I lost three deals in weeks....then then shipment was hijacked without traces....then my air business opening was put on hold for no reason----

"Listen hubby---

Taehyung's words find it hard to reach the ranting male's ears.

"And I came home all drunk disappointing you, I am such a failure right" taehyung sighs when jungkook finally look up to meet his gaze , that's when he finally notices the boy's teary eyes. He just pull the boy sits with him at the edge of the bed before hugging jungkook gently.

"Since when have you having those thoughts?" Tae asks softly but get no reply from jungkook who just keep sniffing silently with his head rested on his husband shoulder.

"Why didn't you tell me about all these?" Taehyung felt jungkook shaking his head violently against his head.

"I can't, I just can't-- you've got school worries on your shoulder and I'm here stupidly can't control my shits right---

"That's where you're wrong hubby, we're in this together-- you should've let me know instead of getting drunk out of your mind, what if you're attacked at that moment? Do you think about me or your life at that moment?---

"I'm really sorry--, I am so sorry--

Taehyung gently guide jungkook to lift his head and meet his gaze, he cup the boy's face gently in his two hands.

"Next time love , feel free to tell me about what's happening-- we're married and you shouldn't feel bad opening up about your worries to me okay? I might not be able to help physically but telling me won't make you pile it up in and ended up getting drunk" taehyung watch has jungkook keep staring back at him for some moments before nodding his head , he use his thumb to wipe the tears on the boy's face before hugging him tightly again.

"The maid said you haven't eat anything since you came back from uni the last day" taehyung just nods at his husband words.

"What do you want to eat? I'll make it for you" taehyung scoff instantly.

"Nope! I'm good without food poisoning" he'd literally imagine jungkook's pout.

"I can cook--

"Sounds like you can burn a house in my ears" taehyung replied a bratty tone.

"So what's happening with the company?" He heard jungkook sighing loudly again.

"Fail deals here and there and investors keeps backing out , I just get tired the last day over another lost deals so yeah--

"It happens sometimes you know? If you can have what you've got at this age , you shouldn't feel less of yourself now-----

"Hmn.... Just feel like giving up--

"Anytime you feel like giving up again , just remembered you're jeon taehyung's husband" taehyung smiles at the man, a chuckle escaping his throat at jungkook's expression.

"I love you" taehyung's smile brighten at jungkook's reply, he slowly leans more closer to jungkook's before whispering.

"I love you too" he'd expecting a dramatic reaction but instead got jungkook hugging him more tightly as he keeps whispering I love you(s) in tae's ear non stop for minutes long.

Taehyung frown slightly when he suddenly felt a little discomfort over his chest , before he'd even try getting comfortable--- he felt his throat stinging to release something he doesn't even know.

And he push jungkook away before running into their bathroom to empty his aching throat.


Sorry for mistakes

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