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The pretty male held his palm under his big tummy while the second hand support his back, his eyes move along with the goods the men are offloading from a big truck which was driven into their mansion minutes ago. Now taehyung understands why jungkook has left the house earlier in hurry lying he's going to buy something.

A scoff left the pregnant male lips , he just watch not trying to stop the men from arranging the baby things that was filled in the truck. Taehyung already lost count of how many toys they've gotten for their unborn baby , even a whole separate room was already filled with baby clothes and they agreed on not buying anything for now.

But taehyung should've feel a betrayal in the air with how fast jungkook has accepted his suggestion that day , he just need to wait for that mafia idiot to ask him where he planned to keep all these.

Because taehyung definitely knows he won't be taking it lightly with jungkook on this one , if the boy keeps spending like this---- then the chances of their future being hopeless like Joy's love life will rise drastically soon.

With that thought, he awaits the arrival of his so sweet husband. The sarcasm is real.

The older jeon was torn between laughing or crying on behalf of jungkook, his grandson has ran into his house minutes ago and went straight to sits down behind one of the couch in the room like he was hiding away from some Intruders but when he finally reveal his deeds to Grandpa, the man would suggest him to hide somewhere safer than here.

His loyalty only stands with taehyung and he won't think twice before handing jungkook to taehyung if the pretty male asks, what's there to talk about?.

He's just maintaining his number two on taehyung's whipped jeon's list.

"With the things you've already bought , taehyung have all right to be mad with you---

"I just want our baby to have everything... D-dont want the princess to lack anything but he keeps scolding me whenever I go back home with packs, so I decided to buy everything once" Mr jeon pressed his lips together at his grandson's explanation, not like he expected something more valid from jungkook but...

"And offloading a whole truck in your house is the best you'd come up with me? Trust me to help taehyung hide your body if you don't survive this" a pout instantly invaded jungkook's lips , his husband is sweet but the moment the pretty male gets close to his last two months of the pregnancy. Jungkook has been witnessing another version of his husband, taehyung isn't the type to go all vocal on him but one deadly glare from taehyung is enough to have the mafia boss hiding behind his sitting room couch.

The glare isn't a punishment to jungkook and taehyung finds out too , so he starts using his biggest weapon against jungkook. Ignoring the mafia leader is enough to have jungkook complying with all his requests without thinking twice and that really really really make taehyung scary. You just need to be a mafia leader dancing to baby shark Doo Doo song because your wifey wants it to understand how scary someone can get during their pregnancy.

A sigh find it way out the mafia boss lips, his trust level went way down after his Grandpa statement. He should've known his grandpa is taehyung's team , not like jungkook isn't because why'd he be on his own team when he can be on taehyung's team?. But can this oldie stop being hinder to his love life?.

"I know you're probably trying to get him to kill me so you can take my place , and I won't allow that--- my wifey is mine and mine alone" Mr jeon chuckle annoyingly pretending to pick his never existed nails , he can't really picture jungkook as a mafia leader anytime the male starts his little cute jealous antics.

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