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Kids are not angel as we were told to believe, no they're not saints as people said they were. In fact, they're demons. Little cute demons that only knows how to keep jungkook's husband away from him.

This is injustice and cares need to be taken in jungkook's favour, this little cute bunnies are cunny too. They know when to widen their puppy eyes brimming with tears and make his wifey scold him for them.

And jungkook isn't even asking for much. Just his husband and some justice from this little bears crawling over his stomach like he's their playground.

Even though he was fighting the little boys in his head , a smile was still present on his face as he watch the now seven months old twins trying to catch up with each other.

Taehyung was sitting far away from them at one corner of sitting room working on his project for uni, he was already a year away from graduating. He knows the kids won't disturb their mama until he's done with his work but the moment he get his files out and try to complete some office work. That's when those little demons starts wailing.

He found out a big secret, his bunnies are in love with his husband. His precious wifey! How could they betrayed their own father like that! But what can he do when his husband can't seem to see through the facade of this precious bears----

"Let's make a deal boys, name your prices and leave my husband alone for me? All I wanted is some hours alone with my precious, I am your father and I have needs--- really desperate needs that produce you---- ouch!

Jungkook smack his lips together when he get a slippers directly on his face, he groan looking towards taehyung who was raising his brow at him with a sinister smile.

This is part of the things jungkook was demanding justice for, his sweets pretty precious wifey just throw slippers against his gorgeous face because he forget he was warned to never mentioned his needs to his kids--- but they need to understand little jeon is suffering for the past seven months.

Jungkook snap out of his thoughts when he heard his kids babbles before crawling away from him, and he can tell they're mocking his misery.

"They're even mocking me now?--- wifey!!" Taehyung raise his brow when he sees jungkook crawling towards him, nothing different from the twins who are crawling around the Living room. The pretty male can't help but feel like he's nursing three kids at the same time. He is indeed nursing three kids , jungkook was crawling towards him with a very big day pout on his lips.

If any of the CEO's partner should witness the scene, they'd have lost their sanity because this is the same man who just open another branch of his company in different location? Taehyung refused to believe because this is just his hubby, a whining hubby who wants some unholy moment his mischievous kids never grant him.

The little angels always cry at night the moment jungkook try to touch his husband, taehyung will just lie still on his bed and watch the mafia attend to his kids needs with a pout on his lips and some times.... A standing ovation from little jeon. And daytime, they've their different responsibilities to attend to.

He sighs when jungkook sits down infront of him and gently place his head on tae's laps, then look up at the mentioned male with his puppy eyes.

"Give me a kiss" taehyung can't even find a place in his heart to reject such a cute request from his hubby who has been nothing but a perfect husband and father to him and their kids. He never have the sleepiness nights of raising kids because whenever he'll wake in the midnight to care for the twins, jungkook will already out of the bed. And If the pretty male still try to help him out, jungkook will instantly carry him back to their bed and ask him to rest with a kiss pressed against his forehead.

In short, he have been enjoying parenting more than he'd but the one who's getting exhausted is jungkook and the man never show it. Taehyung has even lost the count of how many times he had asked to noone again about how he was blessed with this man.

With a sweet smile , he lean down pressing a long kiss on jungkook's lips then his nose before slipping his fingers under the CEO's fluffy hair. A contentment sigh escape jungkook's throat as his eyes get drowsy, taehyung only keep messaging his husband head until small snores fill up he silence room. The pretty boy giggle to himself seeing how easy it's to put the big baby to sleep, this mafia leader is a really kid.

"My cute little bunny" he beams , smiling at the image of jungkook protesting against the nickname...if only he wasn't lost in dream Land at the moment.

He run his gaze all over  the living room and and mentally roll his eyes when he sees the kids are already crawling towards him, of course. They'd want his attention once they see him with their father.

"He'll be whining like a kid if he wasn't asleep knowing you little bunnies are here to snatch his wifey, why do you tease him hmn?" Taehyung raise his brow at his kids like they can understand but get nothing in return except his twins smiling widely back at him.

"You two be a good boy for Mama okay? I'm going to get blanket for papa-- don't disturb him okay?" Taehyung sighs to himself as he carefully stand up with jungkook's head still on his laps, he already expected the childish whinings that leave jungkook's lips immediately he make him lay his head on he sofa instead of his laps.

Giving last glance at his kid and their father, taehyung make his way upstairs not forgetting to carry his books with him , because the bunnies can eat anything.

When he comes back, he can't help but laugh silently seeing Soobin and yeonjun staring at jungkook but doing everything to get their father's attention.

"We should allow papa to rest babies, he stay awake for you two through the night" he mumble as he set the blanket on the floor, with so much effort he was finally able laid jungkook down , huffing to himself as he take in his husband's Buffy appearance.

"What are you eating?--- now kids let's get you to the nursery" instead of listening to him , the twins only crawl to lay their heads on jungkook's chest. On instinct, jungkook's arm move holding his babies against his chest and taehyung cheeks starts hurting from smiling too much at the scene infront of him.

He even lost track of time just standing their cooing loudly at his there babies, yeonjun and Soobin slowly doze off, falling asleep on their sleeping dad and taehyung get the extra blanket to cover them up after making sure to capture the scene and make it his wallpaper instantly. These days , he's changing his wallpaper everyday, thanks to his perfect husband and their cute bears.

"My precious babies"


Too short to make up for my inactive but pardon me darlings, I promise to come around pretty soon with worthy chapters x💜💜💜

Sorry for mistakes

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