And Then There Were 10

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In space a battle is going on between two ships. A small green one and a large red one.

???: Hull Damage 20%. Systems still operational.

???2: I have come too far to be denied? The Omnitrix and Ultimatrix shall be mine, and there is not a being in the galaxy that dares stand in my way.

Meanwhile at Bellwood Middle School Jennifer Tennyson and Y/N L/N are taking the final test of the year

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Meanwhile at Bellwood Middle School Jennifer Tennyson and Y/N L/N are taking the final test of the year. Jen turns hers into a paper airplane while you focus on your test. She throws it at the teacher, and it hits the back of her head. The teacher turns around and Jen buries her head in her test.

Jen: Come on. Come on.

Y/N: Be patient Jen.

Jen: Easy for you to say N/N. You don't have a problem with school.

Teacher: And I just want to remind you all that I will be teaching summer school this year, and it's not too late to sign up.

Jen: Yeah right.

The bell rings and Jen jumps out of her seat.

Jen: Yes, out of here! Let's go N/N!

Y/N: Coming.

You get out of your seat and start walking to the exit with Jen, but the teacher stops her.

Teacher: Jennifer. Could I have a word with you before I go?

She holds up the paper airplane.

Y/N: Godspeed Jen.

You salute her and start to walk off.

Jen: Don't you dare leave me here N/N!

You walk off and give her the peace sign.

Jen: I am so getting you back for this.

You walk out and see Cash and J.T picking on a kid.

Cash: Normally we'd take your cash then beat you up but since it's the last day of school, we're gonna give you a break. Now fork over the cash so we can get out of here.

Y/N: Leave him alone!

They look over and see you.

J.T: Where's your girlfriend L/N?

Y/N: Correction best friend and I can take you chumps any day. So, I'm going to say it one more time. Back. Off.

Cash: Oh, looks like we've got us a hero.

You run at Cash and sweep his legs. J.T then tries to punch you, but you block him and uppercut him in the jaw knocking him out.

Y/N: Want me to do that to you?

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