The Negative 10 Part 2

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The story begins where it left off. Kevin, Clancy, Rojo, and Logan all stood atop a cliff where they looked down at the Rustbucket. 

Jen: Oh god. Kevin, Clancy, Rojo, and a Lenopan?!

Y/N: Let's worry about the details later. Our top priority is to hold the line and prevent them from getting into the base. 

Kevin, being the mindless beast that he currently is flew head-first towards the Rustbucket. On impact he began to writhe and cry in pain as he drove his body into the high-tech motor home. Max had activated the Rustbucket's defence systems, transforming the RV into an impenetrable shield. Metal shutters lowered over the windows and the vehicle was lit up by an thin electrical forcefield. You, Jen, and Gwen nodded at each other and ran out of the door. 

Rojo flew in, using the laser cannon on her left forearm to fire at the Rustbucket. The projectile had been nullified by the forcefield, angering the armored woman. In response to the attack on its hull, the motor home flipped some of its front panels, revealing gyro blades. A blue energy beam was then fired, sending Rojo flying into the wall of the cliff.

 Clancy then flew in and sent a group of wasps to go and attack the Rustbucket. We all know how that ends. The insect whisperer then decides to go in for an attack of his own but was stopped by the electrical forcefield. Kevin opened his jaw, releasing a booming roar as he approached the Rustbucket, clearly not learning his lesson. Jen saw this and impulsively activated the Omnitrix before opening the door. 

She slammed down on the dial, transforming her into Four Arms as she prepared to fight her mutated adversary. He drove her body into the Rustbucket, shocking her while also knocking back the motor home. The sudden movement caused you, Gwen, and Cooper to fall out of the Rustbucket, inadvertently putting the three of you into the action.

Y/N: This girl will be the death of me. 

Seeing as how you were already on the battlefield you might as well fight alongside your friend. The boy stood up and transformed into Gax before entering the battle to assist Jen. Gwen was next to stand and helped Cooper up as well before taking out her own weapon, the spellbook. Jen managed to recover from the shock of the electrical field only to be shot back down by a fireball. 

The mutated beast swooped in, Petrosapien arm reeled back as he was about to punch her while she was stunned. His fist rapidly approached her face, a knockout seemed inevitable until a gloved hand knocked him away. Gax stretched out his hand, helping Jen to stand up again. The sound of fluttering wings approached the two of you, causing the both of you to turn around. 

Two fists impacted the mutant's hard face, knocking him out of the air. A thud could be heard as his body hit the ground. While the two watch-bearers took on Kevin and Clancy, Gwen was fighting Logan. She jumped backwards, putting her acrobatic prowess on full display as she effortlessly evaded multiple purple tentacles before going on the offensive. 

 Gwen: Emocha Objectia! 

She stretched out her arm, allowing for an amorphous blue beam of magic to fire from it. The attack seemed to damage the sludge monster as he recoiled. Oozing away, the alien prepared to go on the offensive once again as he approached the 10-year-old. In the midst of all the chaos Cooper slinks away, trying to avoid any conflict. 

This, he soon found to be impossible as he was pulled into the air by Rojo.

Rojo: You're coming with me boy! 

She wouldn't get very far as about 10 seconds into the flight Cooper removes the accessories around his ears.

Rojo: What'd you do that for? The flight too loud for ya, sweetie?

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