Mightier than the S.W.O.R.D Part 2

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The scene opens on Humungousaur being tackled out of a window by S.W.O.R.D.

Y/N; It's fast! And it's strong too.

You landed on a conveyor belt, back aching from the impact. Something then landed on the belt with a thud, causing you to look up. S.W.O.R.D had followed you, deciding to eliminate you first as Enoch had listed you before Jen. You stood up, ready to engage the android. The moving platform did little to slow you down as you charged at the silver robot.

Humungousaur threw a flurry of punches at the S.W.O.R.D who deflected them all with little effort. You managed to throw a punch that staggered the android, but when you tried to get another hit in, it caught it. The robot threw you onto a stationary platform using the hand that it caught.

You stood up after having recovered from the second impact

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You stood up after having recovered from the second impact. He looked up to see the android flying about him with angel wings.

Y/N; It can fly too?!

It flew down to you, tackling you through the platform. Humungousaur kicked it off and grabbed onto another one. He pulled himself up and watched as the adaptive android flew towards him. You were ready this time and punched it to the area below.

Enoch: Allow me to have to pleasure of introducing you to the Scanning Weaponizing and Replicating Droid. Or as we like to call it the S.W.O.R.D of the Forever Knights.

Humungousaur: Scanning? Replicating? I'm fighting A.M.A.Z.O!

Jen had left the room you had been thrown out of, leaping onto a moving platform. The furry nightmare leapt onto the wall, digging her sharp claws deep into the metal. She climbed down towards you, hoping to reach your platform in time to assist you. Your opponent flew back up towards you, tackling you into the wall with great speed.

The Vaxasaurian boy hit the wall with a cracking sound. He drove his elbow into the automaton's cold-metal head once he recovered. The android felt nothing and grabbed your leg, putting you into a fireman's hold midair. You were tossed into the platform and groaned in pain. S.W.O.R.D formed its claw and prepared to impale you.

It flew at you, claw primed and ready but before it could attack Jen came to your defense. Orange quills shot up from her back, striking the robot. The quills were sharp enough to pierce the flesh of a normal human being, but against an android like S.W.O.R.D the projectiles simply lost their momentum as they hit him and fell to the ground.

Humungousaur: Tha-That's new.

Y/N had recovered from the third impact and stood up once again to fight. Blood trailed down his lower lip which he wiped off.

Humungousaur: Well. It's time to go Ultimate!

You slammed down on your badge, evolving your current form.

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