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The scene opens on Max looking at a spinning dream catcher with someone next to him.

Mr. Green: Navajo legend says the web of the dream catcher protects the dreamer by holding the nightmares in the center while good dreams travel down the feathers to bless the person sleeping. 

Max and Mr. Green walked away leaving a yawning Jen with you and Gwen. 

Gwen: Speaking of sleeping. 

She pushed her cousin towards the adults, and you followed. 

Jen: I know Mr. Green is grandpa's old buddy, but could this trip get any more...

Her attention is drawn to a dancing girl, and you thought it was cool. She had tan skin, grey eyes, and black hair. 


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Jen: ...boring.

Y/N: It's kinda interesting. 

Mr. Green: That's my granddaughter, Kai.

A/N: She shows up in one episode and manages to solidify my hatred for her. I don't care if y'all say "But, AntTMan she's matured." Bitch that doesn't change the fact that she said it. Hell even in Omniverse the primary reason she's attracted to him is that he can turn into a Loboan. 

Max: Oh, Wes. Last time I saw her, she was barely walking. Now look at her.

Jen: No, it isn't. It's just some stupid dance. 

Y/N: Don't say that in front of her grandfather. That's rude. 

Jen: It's just some dance. I could do it. 

Mr. Green: She's performing a ceremonial Navajo dance. 

Y/N: It's very good. 

She finished and everyone, but Jen applauded. She looked like she was about to explode. Kai walked past the three of you and went to her grandfather. Gwen looked at the sky and saw dark clouds draping over it. 

Gwen: You sure you're not doing a rain dance? 

Kai: Positive. Why? 

It started raining and purple lightning bolts struck the ground. 

Y/N: That's why. 

Max: Take cover in the Rustbucket. 

He grabbed everyone but you and Jen. Lightning struck behind you, kicking up a large cloud of dust. Something was in the cloud as glowing purple eyes glared at you both. A stray jolt of the lightning hit both of your watches and turned it purple. As the dust settled you saw a large werewolf. 

Jen: Anyone wanna ask that thing for an umbrella? 

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