Kevin 11

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Max checks into a hotel in New York while you Jen and Gwen lean against the desk.

Gwen: Wow this hotel has everything! Indoor pool, full day spa...

Max: Now don't get used to it. It's only for one night. 

Jen then sees a Sumo Slammers room and runs to it. 

Jen: Hoo, hoo! The new Sumo Slammer video game is in there!

She is then blocked by the bouncer. 

Bouncer: Pass? 

Y/N: Jenny please don't start this.

You then drag her back by the shirt.

Jen: Let me go N/N! 

Y/N: Nope. It's for your own good. Also don't even think about using the Omnitrix to sneak in there. 

Jen: I won't. 

You then let her go and drag your suitcase to the room. Jen then turns into Ghostfreak and sneaks in.

Ghostfreak: But she will. The ultimate sneak attack for the ghost with the most freak. 

You then look behind you but don't see Jen.

Y/N: Jenny? Oh, she didn't.

The bouncer then threw the four of you out. 

Bouncer: And never come back.

Y/N; I'm about to murk a bitch.

Max: We told you not to sneak in there. 

Jen: Well, if you want to get all technical about it. 

Gwen: I never even got a chance to take a shower in a real, shower for the first time all summer. Plus, they had a spa. A spa! Nice going doofus.

Max, Gwen, and Jen then looked to the one person who hadn't voiced their opinion. He and Gwen then noticed you fiddling with your hands trying to hold back your bloodlust. 

Y/N: (mutters) That smarts. Dumbass and stupid Sumo Slammers. (Mutters other incoherent things)

The four of you then go into the Rustbucket.

Max: How do you expect me to trust you if you keep misusing the watch? 

Jen: Excuse me, I used it a hundred times for good. Why can't I just use it once for me? 

Max: It's not how many times you use it Jen, it's how you use it. Look at Y/N he hasn't used his for personal gain. 

Jen: He's used it multiple times behind your back.

Max: Is this true Y/N?

Y/N: Your right I do. For training purposes. I grind day in and day out learning my aliens in and out. How do you think I fired an optic beam as Upgrade back at the retirement village. Or how do you think I survived back at the mining town or knew Swampfire could tank the shot. (whispers) I don't use it for myself because I don't matter in this world.

Jen heard that last part and it broke her heart hearing you say that. 

Jen: It was no big deal.

Max: To you and that's all you care about. So, no more Sumo Slammer stuff for 2 weeks. No comics, no trading cards, no...

He is then cut off by Jen.

Jen: Fair!

Max: Neither is getting booted from a 4-star hotel I already paid for. 

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