Ready to Rumble

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Jen whoops in excitement as the four of you slide down a hill on blocks of ice. When they come to a halt Jen stood up. 

Jen: Let's try the bigger hill this time

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Jen: Let's try the bigger hill this time. 

Gwen: I think sitting on that ice gave you brain freeze. It'll take you forever to take that block up there. 

Y/N: I think you're forgetting something. 

Gwen: What? Oh yeah. The Omnitrix.

While she came to that realization Jen had already activated the watch and scrolled to Four Arms. She slammed down on the dial only to transform into XLR8 instead. 

XLR8: Definitely not who I was going for, but I can work with this. 

She brought down her visor and ran up the hill, carrying you and the ice with her. When she stopped, she raised her visor. 

XLR8: Presenting XLR8 on ice! 

The two of you got on to the block, the cold unsettling you slightly. She then used her apparently prehensile tail to push the two of you. You guys slid down with immense speed and Gwen and Max just watched on the side. Your joyride was suddenly devoid of joy as you approached a picnic. 

The block passed a guy just eating a hotdog, and Jen snatched it out of his hand. 

XLR8: Thanks. 

She ate it as the two of you flew off another hill and landed on a flat area. The ice quickly melted from the heat of friction leaving the two of you face to face with a mother and her son. 

Kid: Mommy why did they wet themselves? 

The two of you looked down to see the melted ice block and blushed in embarrassment. Luckily for Jen she had the luxury of being able to bring down her visor to hide her blush.

 Luckily for Jen she had the luxury of being able to bring down her visor to hide her blush

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Y/N: Y-You know you-you didn't have to put it like that.

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