All That Glitters

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Our story begins with a girl standing in front of a large set of doors. The wooden entrance swung open, and a ravenous mouth lunged towards her. Elsewhere a group of teenagers talked about something outside of one of their houses. This was when the girl from earlier would approach them sluggishly. She now had dark gray skin, wrinkles, and huddled around like a zombie. Her appearance scared the group of kids, causing them to move out of her way as she continued forwards.

Kevin's car was parked outside of a convenience store where Kevin would lean back against the trunk. The two of you sat together, not acknowledging each other as you were both deeply absorbed into what it was that the two of you were staring at. For Jen it was the holoviewer and for you it was the Ultimatrix. Y/N scrolled through his playlist, taking note of the two aliens not present: Chronicle and Static. Jen on the other hand would listen to the recording over and over again on a loop. "You need to put together a team" was all you heard for the duration of your stay.

Kevin sipped on a smoothy as Gwen approached him. He jokingly acted concerned for the two of you. It wasn't hard to see that you were obsessed with what it was that you were currently staring at.

Kevin: Think we should be concerned? They've been staring at those things for hours.

The absorbing man took note of Gwen's weary face and decided to ask if there was anything wrong. Well, after he took another sip of his beverage, that is.

Kevin: Problem?

Gwen: Why haven't you asked me out?

Gwen continued to try to get into the ravenette's pants, basically asking him out without actually asking him out. Kevin was taken aback by this sudden question and spit out what little smoothy remained in his oral cavity.

Kevin: What?

Gwen: You heard me. We spend all of our time together and you obviously like me. 

Kevin chuckled before bringing up a counterpoint.

Kevin: L/N and Tennyson are dating, and she hasn't asked him out yet. 

Gwen: Yeah, they're like that. They hang out as friends but not as a couple. And don't try to act like I haven't caught you mooning at me when you think I'm not looking. 

Kevin: "Mooning"? 

Gwen: And I like you... most of the time. So, I'm asking you again. 

Kevin: See, that's the problem. You're asking me. I'm not L/N, I don't let the girl do the asking.

You would've rebutted, had you been paying attention to their conversation.

Gwen: Okay, so when?

Kevin: Don't push me. 

Gwen: "Don't push me."

She said in a mocking voice before turning away and leaving. This was when he would call out to Jen, searching for assistance.

Kevin: Jen.

She, like you, wasn't paying any attention to him and instead opted to stare at the holoviewer recording of Max. 

Kevin: You know, my dog used to gnaw the spot on his ass over and over again. That made us put a cone around his neck.

Finally, she would turn off the silver disk before placing it back in her pocket. You on the other hand would continue to twist the dial of the Ultimatrix.

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