Camp Fear

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Jen: Change it!

Gwen: No way! You change yours!

Jen: It's your turn!

Dio; Somebody please stop this. I don't know how much longer our ears can take this.

Y/N; Boy is this frustrating.

Gwen: Sorry but I already picked the cake, color-coordinated the balloons, and sent the invitations. By the way here's yours. 

Jen takes it and throws it away.

Jen: Who plans their birthday party 6 months in advance?

Gwen: The one that gets to celebrate it on her actual birthday this year!

Jen then puts her foot on the table and takes off her sock to scratche the itch on her foot.

Jen: I don't think so. Grandpa promised me he's taking me and N/N to lazer tag for my birthday.

Gwen: But you can't miss my party Grandpa.  

Dio; End this or I will. 

Y/N: Shut up! You guys are so loud even Dio is complaining! You guys have shared the same birthday for 10 goddamn years and if you don't stop Dio'll probably make sure you don't get to 11.  

Max: Here Jen try this on your foot. It gets rid of all kinds of fungus. 

He tosses her a powder.

Dio; Thank you.

Jen: Athlete's foot powder? Well, I am an athlete. 

Gwen: More like an athletic supporter if you ask me. 

Jen sticks her tongue out and puts the powder in her shoe.

Dio; Why can't they just get along?

Y/N; I don't know Dio. I don't know. 

A boy then walks into the road.

Boy: They're coming! Help me!


Max then stomps the brakes. 

Jen/Gwen: Grandpa!

Max turns the RV, and the kid jumps away. He falls off the side and hangs onto a branch. When the Rustbucket stops you and Jen run out. 

Dio; Why was that kid on the side of the road?

Y/N; I don't know but he looked scared.

Jen: Stinkfly to the rescue. 

She slams down on the dial and turns into Cannonbolt. You then activate your watch and turn into Jetray.

Cannonbolt: Oh, man. Can't this ever get it right?

Jetray: I got this.

You fly to the kid and he screams.

Jetray: I'm here to help. Grab on.

The kid grabs onto you and you fly back to the street. The kid then passes out in fear. 


Max: Just a few scrapes and bruises. That's good, but he's out cold. 

Y/N: Yeah, he really got a scare from Jetray. 

Gwen: His name's Gilbert.

Jen: Whoa! How'd you know that?

Y/N: He's wearing a name tag. 

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