Super Alien Hero Buddy Adventures

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The scene opened on a cartoony playground. Three kids play on the swings and slide. Suddenly a criminal with telekinesis, a clown-wizard thing, and a giant cat holding a trash can filled to the brim with fish bones appears. 

A/N: Not even a minute into the episode and I already know this is gonna be shit

The children run away screaming while the criminals fuck up the playground. Then a cartoony looking Four Arms appeared and the guys with the bowling balls threw them at him. She caught them all and then a cartoony Big Chill appeared. The clown-wizard thing shot gumdrops at him and he just phased through it all. Next a cartoony Wildmutt appeared to fight the cat holding the trash can. She covered the cat in dirt and knocked it into its trash can. 

A/N: I hate this so much why did I go through with this? 

You, Jen, and Gwen watch and both of your mouths are open in shock. 

Gwen: Guys is it just me or are those super lame-o versions of your aliens? 

Y/N: I have never seen something as ass as this. What is this bullshit? 

Jen: Someone's paying for this big-time! 

The three of you looked at a poster for the cartoon you had watched in the Rustbucket.

Jen: Bad enough they ripped us off with some dumb cartoon. Did they have to make us look like total dweebs?

She tore the poster off of the wall and you just seethed with anger. 

Y/N: This is by far the lowest effort cartoon I have ever seen.

She crumpled up the poster and used Spin to aim it into the trash can. Max then walked up with a dish rag. 

Max: Just as I thought. It's the distributor. I saw a garage a few blocks back. Let me see if I can get another one. 

A/N: Speaking of low effort cartoons I just saw a mistake. They didn't even put the full Planetary on the revolving sign it just says 'Netary'. I'm not making this up. 

Gwen: What about Planetary Studios (Walmart Universal)?

Max: You're right. Jen's been bugging me all summer to take him to see Kangaroo Commando. Alright you three get started without me. I'll meet you back here at four. 


Gwen: I still don't get what the big deal is about some actor jumping around in his underwear.

Y/N: She likes superheroes. She's got a couple posters of Captain Nemesis in her room. 

Jen leapt into the air and performed a kick. 

Jen: I wouldn't expect you to appreciate Kangaroo Commando, but I've watched his show since I was just a kid. He made me want to be a superhero. 

She did another flying kick before turning around smacking into someone's belly. They were in a cartoon Four Arms costume and did a spin before falling over. Gwen then noticed a poster about the cartoon. 

Gwen: Meet Tim Dean the creator of Super Alien Hero Buddy Adventures. Want to get an autograph?

People in the alien costumes walked past the three of you. Jen ran up to Dean and ripped up one of his pictures. 

Tim Dean: Hey that's a Tim Dean original!

Jen: Original? You totally stole your "here-nos" from me-uh... those alien heroes in the news. 

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