Under Wraps

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The scene opens on a dreary sky. Purple lightning like the one you guys saw in Arizona flashed over a sign saying, "Welcome to Dairyville". Crows cawed while two kids used a stick to hold up some barbed wire. They crawled under it and turned around when they heard a voice. 

Boy1: M-maybe we shouldn't be here. 

It was a young boy covered in mud and in blue overalls. He had black hair, blue eyes, and was holding a piglet in his arms. 

Boy2: I knew we shouldn't have brought him. He's nothing but a big baby. 

Boy3: Come on Todd. Don't wimp out now. It's just a little fun. You push over the cow, and it can't get back up. 

The boy known as Todd put his piglet down and crawled under the fence. He stood up and looked at his two friends. 

Boy2: We'll even let you tip the first one unless... the baby wants to go home so mommy can change his diaper. 

He sucked his thumb mockingly egging Todd on to do it. So, like the weak little kid he is he succumbed to peer pressure and walked up to the cow. His piglet followed him and once he got up to the cow try as he might he wasn't able to tip it over. While he attempted to do it, he slipped in a conveniently placed puddle of mud, covering his piglet with the brown, semi-solid substance.  

The other boys laughed. 

Boy2: Priceless! Ha-ha!

Boy3: Ha-Ha! Doof!

The cow glared at the two and the boys ran away in fear. His piglet also ran away. 

Todd: Hey, where's everybody going? 

The cow snorted on him and kicked its hind leg. 

Todd: Back off cow chip!

It was about to retaliate but stopped and ran away in fear. 

Todd: Huh. Yeah. That's right. You do not wanna mess with Todd Maplewood. 

He assumed it was because the cow was afraid of him. No, it was running from something else. He heard a snarling sound and turned around to see something that shocked him. It was a creature entirely made up of bandages. The small cracks between the bandages glowed purple. It had a golden head and glowing purple eyes. It wore red cloth on its thighs and wore a Nemes on its head. 

A/N: This guy's probably my favorite out of the Halloween Trio

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A/N: This guy's probably my favorite out of the Halloween Trio. His fights are just so clean, I love his design, and he was just a menace in this episode. 

Todd: Mummy!

He ran away from it while purple lighting danced in the background. 

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