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Max sets up a course to help train the two of you. 

Max: You guys ready? 

Jen slams down on her watch and turns into Diamondhead. You slam yours down and turn into Goop. 

Max: Remember to think out there Jen. Don't just try to muscle it. Might isn't always right. 

Diamondhead: I know. But it's always fun.

Goop: I need to train as Goop seeing as he's my weakest form. 

He then flings two sets of cans at the two of you. Jen shoots diamond shards into them and you throw your goop. The cans then dissolve.

Goop: Acidic slime. Neat. Wonder what the PH level of it is though. 

He then pulls down some archery targets and Jen shoots diamond shards at them. You shoot your acid at yours corroding them. Jen then starts shooting shards at flying cans and at a cactus. She rolls and then shoots more shards at targets. 

Gwen: Show off.

Max: Focus Jen. Think!

Goop: Brawn is nothing without brains. 

Diamondhead: Don't worry you guys.

Cans are then sent flying at the two of you and you dissolve them.

Goop: Pay attention to your surroundings. 

As you say that you notice a tire is about to hit Jen, so you dissolve it. Unfortunately, shards are then sent flying everywhere. Gwen ducks under a table.

Goop: Is everyone okay? 

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Y/N fighting Chibi Tetrax

The Rustbucket drives across the highway. Jen and Gwen sit down on opposite sides while you sit next to Jen reading a One Piece manga.

Gwen: You rockhead you almost turned me into Swiss cheese. 

Jen: I said I was sorry. What else do you want?

Y/N: We want you to be more careful.

Max: You need to take that thing on your wrist more seriously Jen. It's not a toy. You need to think when you use it. 

Jen: I know but come on! You guys have seen us in action. We're the baddest kids in town. We've kicked so much alien butt our feet are sore.

Y/N: You need to realize that you need to strategize before you slam down on the dial. What happens when you don't get the alien you want? You have to adapt to your situation. 

Gwen: You know what. One day you're gonna screw around and get your own butt kicked and I hope I'm there to see it. 

Jen: Dream on geek face. 

The engine then sputters out.

Max: That doesn't sound good. 

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Y/N singing Play with Fire.

Jen: Looks like nobody's home. 

Gwen: Not for a while. My intellimap program says this is Slatterville. Incorporated in 1857 after the discovery of silver. Went bust in the late fifties when the mine ran out. 

Jen: Why does everything out of your mouth sound like a book report?

Gwen: Hey Y/N's nerded out too and you haven't gotten on his case. 

Jen: That's because when he does it it's cute.

Your face then turns bright red.

Y/N: T-Thanks. 

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