Alone Together

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The camera pans down from a grate to look at Y/N running through an empty warehouse. In your mad dash you would avoid a couple projectiles before breaking into a slide. Your momentum carried you across the ground, allowing you to quickly take cover behind a group of wooden crates. 

 From the angle we are shown we can see that you were avoiding the thorn-like projectiles of a Highbreed. Once he was finished firing the tall, white alien regrew his black fingers before quickly turning to fire at Gwen. Her quick reaction time allowed them to take cover behind a stone pillar, the girl forming orbs of mana on her hands as she did so. 

Gwen: It's trying to run! Cut it off!

Kevin traversed across a shipping crate just behind the Highbreed's head, jumping off once he reached the edge. Wrapping his arms and legs around the alien's torso, Kevin would attempt to hold him back. This, as you would expect, failed due to the Highbreed knocking the absorbing man off with a single backhanded strike. It was now your turn. Y/N would run out from his hiding space, dashing towards the large creature from his right. He pressed his palm up against the ground, vaulting himself over a group of the Highbreed's spikes. He activated the Ultimatrix midair, causing the faceplate to pop up and display the hologram of Echo Echo.

Y/N: I got it covered!

He slammed down on the dial, transforming into his selected alien. 

Echo Echo: Echo Echo!

Once in his Sonorosian form, Y/N would duplicate himself thrice, allowing each of his copies to take one side of the Highbreed.

Echo Echo1: Going somewhere?

White arms slammed into the cold stone of the floor, creating a shockwave that knocked all of the Y/Ns before they could attack. The Highbreed leapt away from his downed enemies, only getting about a few seconds of airtime before Jen knocked him down with Humungousaur. The hit caused him to slide across the ground, moving right towards Kevin. Said boy would crouch down to the ground, absorbing the stone to strike him in the nape of his neck. 

The Highbreed was once again sent flying by one of the team's attacks, landing painfully between two shipping containers.

Kevin: Nice going, Mr. "I've got it covered".

Echo Echo2: No need to be a dick, man.

Now that you and your clones had fully recovered the four of you dashed towards the Highbreed and stopping once you reached an acceptable distance. In preparation for your next attack, each of you got on each other's shoulders and locked hands with your shoulder partner for the added stability.

Echo Echo: Formation 6: Subwoofer!

At once all four of you screamed at the large alien, blasting him through a bundle of wooden planks. With the Highbreed now on the floor you would make more clones to try and pin him down. This sudden contact irritated the arrogant, racist prick of an alien, causing him to roar in outrage and disgust.

Highbreed: Don't touch me, creature!

His head would shift around, scanning the room to find some sort of escape. After a few seconds he would find the perfect means of doing it, a warp gate. It was a silver, ring-shaped device, that was attached to a platform. This platform contained a control console where the machine's user could input coordinates, power banks, and electrical transformers.

His multiple eyes locked onto the spatial distorting donut, causing Kevin to realize what his escape plan was. He would then warn the rest of the team to make sure that the mission wouldn't end in failure. 

Kevin: Don't let him get in that thing. It's a warp gate.

Due to Echo Echo not being that heavy, the Highbreed would rise to his feet with no issues. Jen began to charge towards him, trying to prevent him from reaching his ideal method of escape. Realizing that she wouldn't make it in time, Jen looked around frantically trying to find something she could throw at the portal to destroy it.

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