Merry Christmas

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The scene opens on a scorching desert. A vulture flew off from it's perch on a cactus. The camera followed it, panning over a bull's skull. The Rustbucket drove on screen passing a green mile marker sign say that the next stop was in 100 miles. 

Gwen: We are in the middle of nowhere. 

The thermostat next to her read 108 degrees. You, Jen, and Gwen were slumped over on the couch. 

Y/N: Heat, too weak to dial Big Chill. 

One the verge of passing out from heat exhaustion our main character is dripping with sweat. 

Jen: Grandpa can't you crank up the AC?

Max: I'm afraid it's at its maximum right now. We'll stop at the next gas station. 

Jen/Gwen: We'll be grilled cheese by then!

Y/N groaned weakly. 

Y/N: Help.

Dio; It's that hot? 

Josuke; They are in the middle of a desert. 

Jolyne; I've been hit by meteors multiple times I doubt it's that bad. 

Jen: That's it. Time to go small to get cool. 

She activated the Omnitrix and slammed down, becoming Grey Matter. She leaped onto the cupboard, using her adhesive pads to stick to it before jumping to the ceiling. She vaulted herself into the air conditioning and prepared to work on it. 

Grey Matter: Okay. Recalibrate the freon evaporation cycle, expand expansion valves, and realign these condenser coils. 

Gwen: Are you sure you know what you're doing? 

Grey Matter: One more second and it's ice cube city. 

Smoke exploded from the AC and the Rustbucket broke down. Everyone ran out, coughing from the fumes. 

Grey Matter: Guess that didn't go as planned. 

Everyone looked and saw a random shed in the middle of the desert. 

Y/N: I think it's the heat, but I see a shed in the distance. 

Gwen: You're not hallucinating. I see it to. Can we check it out? 

Max: Sure. Don't sweat it. 

He laughed from his joke, and everyone just gave him a look. 

Max: I couldn't help myself. 

Once you guys approached it you saw two toy soldiers at the front of the shed. 

Gwen: Giant toy soldiers? In Death Valley? 

Max: Hmm. There must have been one of those holiday theme parks here. They probably packed up and left and forgot this thing. 

Snow and cold air blew out from a crack in the door. 

Jen: Do you feel that cold air? 

The two cousins looked at each other and ran in. You walked in and saw a winter wonderland. 

Max: What is all of this?

Y/N: How is this even possible? 

A toy soldier looked at Max and a mysterious figure viewed him through a crystal ball. 

???: Is it really you? 

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