Tourist Trap

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The scene opens with Jen pressing her face up against the glass of the Rustbucket. Meanwhile a boy made a funny face in the backseat of his parents car. 

Gwen: I'd warn you that your face might freeze like that but in your case, it would be an improvement.

Jen ignored her and watched as the kid ate his burger, only to open his mouth and show her the chewed-up bits. 

Jen: Ugh! So, you want nasty? I'll show you nasty. Time for my secret weapon. 

She held up her finger telling him to wait a second. Jen quickly turned around and activated the Omnitrix. A green flash could be seen through the window, leaving the boy confused. But that confusion quickly turned to fear as Stinkfly leapt at the window with her mouth wide open. She drooled and acted like a rabid dog, causing the boy's undigested food to drop onto his jeans. 

He screamed causing his father to look over to find out what the issue was

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He screamed causing his father to look over to find out what the issue was. He saw Jen and screamed even louder than his son, completely drowning him out. The two of them sped up in terror, unable to comprehend what they just saw while Jen just fell over laughing hysterically. 

Y/N: Jenny you didn't need to scar a child over a face making contest. 

Stinkfly: Winning is winning. 

Y/N: Don't you think you went a bit too far? 

She aimed one of her four eyes at you and shot your shirt with her goo. 

Y/N: That was my favorite shirt! 

Max: Jen, Y/N you two'd better get up here. 

He slammed down on the brakes, causing inertia to send Jen flying forwards and hit her tail on the dashboard of the Rustbucket. You and Gwen chuckled at her karma. 

Max: Oh good, you're all ready to go.

You walked up to the driver's seat to see what the problem was

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You walked up to the driver's seat to see what the problem was. 

Max: We got trouble ahead. 

People had gotten into a pileup with an oil trucker. A car's engine had exploded leaving flames on the ground. The doors of the oil truck had been blocked, preventing the driver from getting to safety.

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