Ride or Die

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The scene opens on Y/N leaning on a wall and Jen sitting on a bench grumbling.

Y/N: Chin up Jenny, you only got two days left on your punishment.

Jen: Yay.  

Y/N: At least you don't have another week after the Kevin incident. 

Jen: How was I supposed to know he was a psycho? 

Y/N: Why would you trust a random street urchin over your best friend who you've known for years?

Jen: Touche. Anyways I still haven't apologized to you about that. Look I'm really sorry. It's just I was pissed off and I wasn't thinking straight. I'm really sorry if I hurt you. 

Y/N: It's okay... just don't do it again. 

A car zoomed past the two of you. Police cars chase after it and you give her a knowing look. The two of them run into an alley and activate their watches. Jen scrolled to Stinkfly while you went for Upgrade. You receive the right alien, but she instead got Diamondhead. 

Diamondhead: Oh, come on. 

You noticed a motorcycle just lying there on the sidewalk and merge with it. 

Upgrade(Y/N): Get on!

She happily obliged and got on you. Y/N drove off and followed after the car. He zoomed past the officers and swerved in front of their car. Jen then converted her hands to a mass of crystal shards and aimed at the back tires. She fired them all and punctured them with ease. 

The car swerved out of control and drove off the freeway

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The car swerved out of control and drove off the freeway. The vintage car crashed into chemical factory and the passengers abandoned it. Jen then got off of the bike and created a diamond pathway towards the factory. After dropping onto the catwalk, the adolescent Petrosapien approached them.

They are all wearing black biker jackets. One of them wears a spiked helmet and an eyepatch. The other has sunglasses and a goatee. The last one has crooked teeth; putrid green hair and his clothes are tattered. 

A/N: Rat1 is center, Rat2 is the guy to the right, and Rat3 is the crackhead

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A/N: Rat1 is center, Rat2 is the guy to the right, and Rat3 is the crackhead.

Biker1: We're warning ya not another step closer. 

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