Side Effects

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The Rustbucket is pursuing a criminal in a stolen car. You are riding Jen as Echo Echo. 

Echo Echo: There's the criminal. He's just up ahead.

She swerves onto the sidewalk to avoid traffic. 

Upgrade(Jen): Look out! Banzai! Coming through!

Echo Echo: Couldn't you have just made jets so you could fly? 

Upgrade(Jen): Oh yeah. Didn't think of that. 

She then swerves back onto the road and the car goes in front of a carrier truck. You then clone yourself twice and your clones hang onto the side of Jen.

Echo Echo2: So, like what's the plan dudes? 

Echo Echo: You see that car carrier?

Echo Echo1: Yeah.

Echo Echo: Jump onto it. 

Echo Echo2: Got it dude. 

Your clones then jump onto the car carrier and run up it. They then use their sonic screams to boost themselves and they land in front of the driver. 

Echo Echo2: This is a knarly ride dude.

Echo Echo1: Stop the guy first then admire the car.

Echo Echo2: You're such a party pooper. 

They then scream and shatter the glass. The crook covers his ears and gives you and Jen the perfect opportunity to catch up. A car then blocks you but Jen slides under it.

Upgrade(Jen): Hey!

Echo Echo: Relax Jenny my clones are on it. 

Upgrade(Jen): But still we almost got hit by a car. 

She then fires her optic beam and destroys the trunk. Money then flies out. 

Upgrade(Jen): Some people just can't hang on to their money. Am I right?

Echo Echo: You sure are Jenny. 

She then forms a spike on her tire and pops his. The car then swerves and stops next to a car. 

Echo Echo: Now that's how you parallel park. 

You then jump off as she stops in front of him. 

Thief: No way. 

You then merge back with your clones and punch the thief knocking him out. Jen then blows smoke in his face as the cops show up.

Echo Echo: Please chill with the smoke. 

Upgrade(Jen): Fine. 

She then sees an ice cream truck and you run into an alley to wait to time out. 

Upgrade(Jen): Well, we did just nab a bad guy. 

She demerges with the bike and opens the ice cream truck. 

Upgrade(Jen): Now we're talking.


You walk over to Max and Gwen. 

Gwen: Nice job.

You ignore her and look at Max.

Max: Where's Jen?

Y/N: I don't know. I waited in an alley to transform back she didn't follow me. 

Gwen: My guess is long chase, hot day, I'm thinking...

She then gestures to the ice cream truck. 

Y/N: You're kidding. 

You guys then open the truck and see a shivering Jen. 

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