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Hatches open and beams of energy shoot out. Missiles then start to rise.

Worker: I didn't authorize a launch. Abort, abort! We're not launching the nuke sir. Something's pulling them out of their silos.

The nukes are being pulled to Vilgax's ship. Drones shoot soldiers away and Vilgax walks in. A beam then destroys a drone. Vilgax is shot and pushed back.

Vilgax: You...

???: It's over Vilgax. You're going down.

Vilgax: Many have tried, none have succeeded.

???: Until now slime ball.

The man charges at Vilgax.

???2: Phil wait!

Phil shoots at Vilgax who kicks his helmet off. Vilgax puts Phil in a choke hold and aims at him. A drone then activates a nuke.

Vilgax: Back away or watch one of your cities be destroyed.

He shoots Vilgax's blaster away and Phil elbows him. He is pushed away and the drone finishes.

Vilgax: You're too late.

???: Wrong, my timings perfect.

He kicks up his blaster and traps Vilgax onto the nuke.

Vilgax: No!

The nuke launches with Vilgax on it.

Phil: What are you doing?

The man takes his helmet off.

Max: Sending Vilgax out with a bang.

Vilgax: Turn this off!

The nuke hits Vilgax's ship and explodes.

Max: And then, kablam-o. No more Vilgax. Or so I thought until today.

Y/N: That's amazing.

Jen: Whoa, you were a hero?

Max: I was just a guy doing a job.

Gwen: Excuse me but exactly what was that job?

Max: We called ourselves the Plumbers. Officially we didn't exist. We were the guys who fixed the problems no one else could. Extraterrestrial, extrasensory, extraordinary.

Y/N: Bit of a weird name.

Jen: So, all this time we've been going hero, we've really been following in your footsteps. We're plumbers in training!

Y/N: Wait so you knew about the watches the entire time.

Max: Not really, just rumor and scuttlebutt. I was surprised as you guys when they ended up on your wrists.

Gwen: You always told us we could tell you anything, Grandpa. Guess you didn't feel the same.

Y/N: Gwen he had his reasons.

Gwen: He lied to us!

Y/N: I know he wouldn't lie to you without good reason.

Max: Just calm down.

You guys then hear sirens.

Jen: All right! Could be a chance for the plumbers to go back to work.

Y/N: Jen calm down.

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