Max Out

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Rain poured from the sky as the camera pans downwards. This shot gives us a view of man clad in a brown fedora and trenchcoat standing outside of a small cafe. A neon sign attached to the center of the roof spelt out 'Grinder's Coffee' in fluorescent brown letters. Once a trailer truck passed the lit-up cafe the man would walk towards the door, seemingly thirsty for a cup of joe. 

Bells jingled upon the doors opening, drawing a woman's attention to her new and only patron. The man sat down in a booth as the server in a blue uniform offered him the menu. This cafe was set up like a diner where there were dozens of booths for the patrons to sit and a bar for whatever reason. My hunch: this place used to be a diner in the 80s but was bought out.  

Server: Like to hear about the special? 

???: Just coffee.

He answered in a familiar voice. The server walked away with the menu but would continue the conversation regardless.

Server: Don't get too many strangers here. What brings you to Santa Mira?

The town, known as Santa Mira, seemed to be a small suburban area unlike your hometown of Bellwood. He would respond while looking down at the table.

???: Great fishing, great weather.

The camera changed perspective, showing that the strange man was suspiciously eyeing his server. She found something odd with that he had just said and would walk over to confront him.

Server: Our fish are all farm-raised. And this is the rainy season.

???: I was misinformed.

He tipped his hat to her, revealing that this man was none other than Max Tennyson. He would respond to her with a smile on his face when a covered plate was placed in front of him.

Server: Here's your special.

Max: I didn't order that.

Server: It's on the house.

Once she said that, she would lift the cover. A small creature that resembled the head of a DNAlien would leap from the plate, hoping to wrap its legs around the elderly man's face. 

Unfortunately for the tiny beast it wouldn't get the drop on him that easily

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Unfortunately for the tiny beast it wouldn't get the drop on him that easily. Max smacked it away with his hand, flinging it over to the bottom of the nearby barstools. His server would then put him in a chokehold, only for Max to then headbutt her. She ate the attack with a smile on her face, it seemed to have not affected her at all as she lifted up her head. Grinning from ear to ear, Max would turn his head around and take a good look at her. 

Max: You are one strong lady. Or are you?

With his free hand he reached for her face, ripping off an ID Mask and revealing that his server had been a DNAlien the whole time. 


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