Tough Luck

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You and Jen catch a falling bus as Humungousaur and Four Arms. You two then pull it back up. She tears off the back of the bus.

Four Arms: It's okay everybody. Everything's all right now.

She then walks off and you help the civilians down.

Dio; Do we really have to do this?

Y/N; Yes Dio. We do.

After you guys finish you walk into the Rustbucket.

Jen: Sometimes this hero stuff gets way old.

Max: You should be proud of yourselves. Those folks would have been in a real pickle without the two of you.

Jen: I know. But I'd just like 1 regular summer day where I could just hang out all day with N/N and do nothing.

Y/N: Same.

Jen: Like Gwen.

Y/N: Okay she doesn't do nothing.

Dio; Think about it man. I mean what actual use does she contribute to the team?

Gwen: You should appreciate what you have. I only got to be Lucky Girl for a few hours.

Y/N: Yeah, and you were a bitch the whole time. With all the bragging you did it felt like weeks. I'm already getting flashbacks just talking about it.

You then hear ROAD ROLLA DA in your head and shiver. Gwen throws a pillow in your face.

Jen: The worst part was when all those grannies wanted us to go to some lame old magic convention in Las Vegas. As if!

Gwen: Magic convention?

Timeskip brought to you by King Crimson

You guys walk around the convention.

Gwen: Magician of the year expo? Uh! It's all cheap junk and gross out tricks.

Y/N: Yeah, that's what magic is.

Gwen: I thought it was going to be magic-magic, not cheesy magic.

Y/N: Yare yare daze.

Jen: Ho ho. Check it out. Fake bugs in ice cubes, fake barf, fake dog poo!

Y/N: Why do they have that?

Jen: Don't know, don't care.

Max: Well, as long as we're here we might as well look around.


Gwen puts on a bracelet.

Max: Find something you like?

Gwen: Yeah. It kinda reminds me of...

Screaming is then heard, and you guys run outside.

Man: Help me!

Dio; Why can't we just get one day off?

Max: I don't think that's part of the act.

Jen: We know, we know. Hero time.

You guys walk off and turn into Stinkfly and Spidermonkey. The guy's cable snaps, and you grab him with an web. Jen carries the helicopter.

Stinkfly: Everything's under control.

The rotor falls off.

Spidermonkey: You just had to say it. *Monkey noises*

You grab it with another web and struggle to hold on.

Dio; Damn this is heavy!

Spidermonkey: I don't know how much longer I can hold on! *Monkey noises*

You accidentally drop the rotor and Gwen pushes Max out of the way.

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