Perfect Day

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The scene opened with the Rustbucket parked next to some tar pits. Quaint music was playing in the background. You, Jen, and Gwen were sleeping while Max made breakfast. Both you and Jen were in the same bunk, due to their only being two and cuddling together. 

Max: Rise and shine sleepy heads. 

Jen woke to see that the Omnitrix was blinking green, something that has never happened before. 

Jen; That's weird. 

The alien selection menu then activated without the dial popping up. It scrolled through the playlist showing the icons of Heatblast, Wildmutt, XLR8, Upgrade, and Four Arms. 

Jen; Okay something's wrong here

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Jen; Okay something's wrong here. This isn't normal even by our abnormal standards. 

Gwen rolled out of her bed and fell to the ground with a thud. Jen snickered a bit before getting out of bed and helping her cousin up. 

Jen: You okay?

Gwen: Yeah, thanks. 

You had gotten up soon after and made your way over to the table. 

Max: Hope you guys are hungry. I've cooked up one of my world-famous breakfasts. 

This immediately caused a sting of panic to race through Jen. 

Jen; Oh shit. What is it this time. 

He turned around holding two plates of pancakes with a side of bacon and placed them down before getting your plate. 

Jen; Is this? No, it can't be. 

Jen: Let me guess this is goat's milk pancakes with a side of groundhog bacon? 

Max laughed at Jen's comment before reassuring her. 

Max: Nope. Just good old American bacon and pancakes. But I understand if it doesn't sound good to you.

Jen's eyes widened in shock before all three of you started to eat. When she was finished Jen burped in Gwen's face, causing her to run out of the Rustbucket coughing. 

Gwen: Right in my face! Good one Jen.

Jen was shocked, as she had never expected her to compliment her on burping. 

Jen; This isn't normal. 

You ran out next and looked back at Jen. 

Y/N: Wanna go check out the tar pits? 

Jen: Nah, there's gotta be something more exciting going on. 

And as she said that a bus came around the corner with a popped tire. It was almost like it came because of her comment. It rolled to a stop in front of her. 

Jen: I guess that'll do. 

A ship then hovered over your heads and landed by the bus. The door opened, revealing SixSix and Vulkanus. 

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