Jen 4 Good Buddy

875 21 2

The Rustbucket drove down an empty road. 

Max: Ah it's nice being off the highway. Don't you just love the open road?

Gwen turned the knob of the radio trying to get a signal.

Gwen: Not when you can't get a radio signal. 

Brainstorm(Off-Screen): I'm working on it you simpleton!  

You had turned into Brainstorm earlier to try and fix the issues with the RV. 

 Gwen: Hey! 

Brainstorm(Off-Screen): It is not my fault that you couldn't hope to match my intellect. 

Jen was in the bathroom, annoyed. 

Jen: Please tell me I'm not the only one who hates Brainstorm. 

Gwen: If you were so intelligent, you'd have fixed it by now. 

Brainstorm(Off-Screen): Why you!

Dio; She has a point.

Y/N; Nobody asked you! 

Max: Well then how about a singalong. We'll be coming around the mountain when we come. We'll be drivin' the Rustbucket when we come.  

Jen came out of the bathroom in a pissy mood. 

Jen: How about a flush-along? Toilet won't flush again.

You sighed and went back to work.

Brainstorm(Off-Screen): It's like I have to do everything around here myself. 

Gwen turned some dials and moved some sliders down. Max honked the horn twice and the Rustbucket elevated slightly. 

Max: Hydraulics on!

The sudden movement startled you and caused you to lose balance. Brainstorm fell off the roof of the Rustbucket and rolled on his side along the street. 

Brainstorm: Ow! 

You formed an electric platform and caught up with the Rustbucket. 

Brainstorm(Off-Screen): Next time a heads up would be nice! 

Gwen: You're clear to flush. And hopefully fast. 

She flushed the toilet and left. 

Jen: This thing can go 300 mph but it takes three-people to flush. 

Max: Hey, our old gal's got character. 

You had finally gotten the radio working as music began to play inside. Seeing as your work was finished, you scuttled back into the cabin. 

Brainstorm: You're welcome. 

Jen: Nobody said thanks. 

Brainstorm: It shouldn't matter. You should be glad that a mind as great as my own decided to take pity on you mongrels. 

Jen: Do you have to be such a jerk?

You timed out just then and apologized.

Y/N: Sorry. I don't know why some aliens change my personality. Like how Rath makes me angry Brainstorm makes me a...

Gwen: Pompous asshole.

Y/N: Yeah. 

Max: Gwen.

Gwen: Sorry grandpa. 

Just then a more modern, sleeker RV came speeding past the Rustbucket.

Jen: No that's character.

A monster truck and a Dodge Charger trailed behind the Rustbucket. 

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