The Negative 10 Part 3

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Picking up where we left off, Driscoll had integrated the Sub-Energy into his armor. The volatile energy powered his armor, causing its visor and crest to have a dark purple glow. The armor was large, standing at around 10 feet tall. A royal purple cape draped off its large shoulder plates. The suit was heavily armored, the arms and legs had been covered by multiple layers of extremely thick metal. Horns protruded from its helmet in a circle, mimicking the crown of a noble. 

The suit had been surrounded by a foreboding purple aura, signifying the sheer power it was attempting to hold back

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The suit had been surrounded by a foreboding purple aura, signifying the sheer power it was attempting to hold back. Driscoll smirked under the helmet as he looked at his former comrade. Max shifted backwards in fear, he could tell that a single slip up could very well mean the end of his life.  

Forever King: Now, bring me L/N and I give you my word that nobody else will be hurt. 

Max: I've learned not to trust anything that comes out of your mouth Driscoll. Especially not after that stunt you pulled. 

He scoffed in annoyance. 

Forever King: It seems we cannot let bygones be bygones, eh old friend? Well then, I guess that just means I have to find him myself. 

He would come to be blasted back by a stream of fire. This attack put everyone on edge as they had not been aware of a fourth person. The camera panned over to where the blast had come from, revealing Swampfire who had been clutching his side in pain. You had exited the healing tank prematurely, leaving most of your injuries unhealed. Fortunately, Swampfire's regeneration healed up your ribs, and began working on your leg. 

Forever King: You made a mistake boy. I would have let you remain in the tank until you had fully healed. Oh well, all this does is make it easier to kill you.

Max: What are you doing here Y/N?!

Said boy simply stared at the elder Tennyson with a determined look in his eyes. 

Swampfire: I couldn't just sit back in the tank and let you take this guy on by yourself! I wouldn't be able to live with myself if you got hurt or worse while I did nothing. 

You diverted your attention to the Forever King, ready to take him on.

Swampfire: So, you want to kill me, huh? If you think you're gonna succeed where much more dangerous people failed, then you've got another thing coming.

You slapped the badge on your chest, evolving yourself into your Ultimate form. Unfortunately for you this cut off your regeneration, leaving you to fight in your severely wounded state. 

Ultimate Swampfire charged towards the king, his fist that had been reeled back sparking with flames. His opponent did the same, reeling his fist back as well. Their fists collided, creating a shockwave as their battle began. The Evolved Methanosian released some of his explosive bulbs, sending the Forever King flying into a wall. Y/N walked over to him and grabbed his helmet before launching a powerful flame attack. 

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