Ghostfreaked Out

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A kid gets his frisbee from a tree but gets scared due to how high it is.

Y/N: Don't worry!

Gwen: We'll come up and get you!

Jen: We.

Gwen: Hey, you guys are the ones with all those alien heroes at your fingertips.

You guys activate your watches, and you scroll to Spidermonkey and transform while Jen turns into Wildmutt. The two of you then climb up the tree.

Gwen: Oh, good thinking! Turn into the vicious alien attack dog to rescue the scared kid out of the tree. This is why Y/N is the smart one.

You reach the kid and he turns around.

Spidermonkey: Don't worry.

Wildmutt: We're here to get you down.

Kid: I don't want to get down.

The kid turns around but has one eye.

Kid: I want out!

Spidermonkey: Oh, that's freaky.

The tree branch then turns into an arm and the rest of the tree turns into Ghostfreak.

Wildmutt: Leave us alone!

Ghostfreak: You can't get away from me.

You and her jump into the air but the hand punches you through your torso and leaves a hole.

You and her jump into the air but the hand punches you through your torso and leaves a hole

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Spidermonkey: Jen...

Wildmutt: No! Y/N!

The arm then grabs Jen.

Ghostfreak: Always the hero. What a waste of potential. If you want to be helpful, get me out!

Jen screams and falls out of bed.

Jen: Oh...

Jen stares blankly out of the window.

Y/N: Jen. Jen. Jen!

You look up from your manga and shake her.

Jen: Huh?

Y/N: Are you okay?

Jen: Oh, yeah. I guess I'm still weirded out by that Wildmutt nightmare.

Gwen: Well, what do you expect when you wolf down two mega enchurritos for a midnight snack?

Y/N: Yare yare daze.

Jen grabs Gwen's newspaper.

Jen: You think you're so smart. Is that why you want to go to this stupid school? It's full of nothing but snobs and posers.

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