Game Over

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Our story begins on a rainy day. The Rustbucket is parked outside of motel. Max and Gwen are sleeping while you and Jen played Sumo Slammers. You had just beaten her high score, annoying her. 

Y/N: Oh yeah. Take that!

Jen: I'll show you. 

You guys start a new level, Jen rushes ahead to get a loot crate when her character gets knocked on her ass because it was a mimic. 

Y/N: You fall for that trick every time. Better be careful now. 

She runs off, leaving you to be swarmed by enemies. 

Y/N: Now that's just petty. 

Jen laughs while Max groans in his sleep. 

Max: Guys, please! I'm trying to grab some shuteye here! 

Y/N: S-Sorry. 

Jen got up from her seat and transformed into Upgrade before leaping into the computer. She merged with it and set your score to 0.

Y/N: Jen Tennyson you are such a cheater! Why are you such a sore loser? 

Max covered his ears with his pillow and rolled over, trying to drown out some of the yelling. You grabbed her computer and shook it in an attempt to throw her out of the device. Your attempt was futile, having no effect on the amorphous girl. Just then purple lightning struck the satellite dish atop the Rustbucket sending a wave of alien energy through the RV. The energy traveled through the wire and into the computer. A flash of indigo light blanketed the interior of the Rustbucket. Once it had disappeared you and Jen were nowhere to be found and the laptop was normal again.  

Max uncovered his ears and went back to his resting position to get some sleep. 

Max: Finally. A little peace and quiet. 

He returned to his blissful sleep, completely unaware that his granddaughter and future son-in-law had disappeared completely, leaving only a smoking laptop behind. 

The two of you woke up in a Japanese styled village. Small suburban homes lined the streets with the tallest building being a lookout tower to the far right. A mighty water tower stood behind Jen with a pipe connecting it to a bamboo chute that was filling up a bucket. 

Your clothes had changed. Instead of your (f/c) jacket you wore a dark black tunic that was held tightly to your body by a brown belt. Your jacket had a hood and long scarf. Your sleeves were a light gray and there were wooden arm guards that covered your arm and part of your hand. The hilt for a katana rest on your back. Your pants were now as black as your tunic, with shin guards and soft, yet armored boots to protect your feet. 

Upgrade(Jen): Whoa? What happened? You look like Shade. Not gonna lie, it suits you. 

Y/N: Th-Thanks. My working theory is that some lightning struck the Rustbucket and zapped you, sending us to... wherever the hell we are. 

Upgrade(Jen): So what? Are just some data now? Bits of Ruby code? 

Y/N: Probably. Also, I didn't know you knew what Ruby was.

Upgrade(Jen): I'm not nearly as much of a computer whiz as you are but I'm not an idiot. I'm still better at you in LA and PE. 

Y/N: Zip it. 

Upgrade(Jen): How do you not have the upper body strength to do a single push-up. 

Y/N: I can do a push-up.

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