Divided We Stand

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The scene opens with Animo in a prison jumpsuit. He was in jail after what he had done in SOTO. The environment was so cold that his breathing was visible due to condensation. The soft trilling of birds could be heard in the background.

Animo: It is time. Soon I, Dr. Aloysius Animo will bring about a new world order. And they thought they could lock me up forever. 

A/N: Why do I feel like Animo'd be the type to have a shit ton of pets in his house if he were a normal human being. 

The camera moved showing a guard and a bunch of birds pecking at small breadcrumbs. The guards laughed at the psychotic man. 

Guard1: You're not going anywhere, Dr. Freak-a-mo.

They laughed yet again before walking away from Animo. A seagull flew in and lands on Animo's arm. 

Animo: Ignore them, my pet... for you have been exceedingly loyal...

The seagull dropped a computer chip out of its beak.

Animo: ...bringing the components I need, one piece at a time. 

He unzipped his prison suit, pulled out his transmodulator and activates it. 

Animo: And now for your reward. 

He mutated the seagull and got on it to everyone's surprise. 

The bird flew off, carrying two guards in its claws

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The bird flew off, carrying two guards in its claws. 

Guard: Put us down!

Animo: With pleasure.

The two screamed as they were dropped to the water below while Animo soared through the air.

Animo: And the first thing I plan to do is visit those snot-nosed brats.

You guys were having another beach day after what had happened with the Leviathan. 

Gwen: Ah. It's so nice to finally get a little piece and quiet so I can catch up on my summer reading. 

Dio; Yeah it's... too quiet. 

Y/N; Don't worry. I know where Jen is. 

 Max: Although I can't help feeling that it's a little too quiet.

Max/Gwen: Where's Jen?

Y/N: She wanted to go swimming as Ripjaws. 

They sighed but their brief moment of relief was shattered by the screams of panicked civilians. Jen had somehow gotten a paddle board and was riding the waves.

Jolyne; How did she even get one of those. 

Y/N; I don't know. 

She crashed into a sandcastle, destroying it. The girl then stuck her head out of the sand confused as to why all of the people on the beach had fled. 

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