Everybody Talks About the Weather

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Our story begins on a corn farm just outside of Bellwood. The sun glares at the terra firma, causing a heat so intense that heat ripples can be seen. We cut to a man swinging a scythe overhead, decapitating the corn stalks. Once the scythe's blade is planted firmly in the ground, he removes his hand and uses it to wipe the sweat from his brow. Swinging a heavy scythe in 80-degree weather takes its toll on the human body. 

Unfortunately for him it would only get hotter and the reason for that would surprise him. What appeared to be a living comet nearly crashed into the cornfield but would manage to pull up seconds before collision would occur. It nearly crashes another 3 times, heating up the environment a little more every time it pulled up. The comet flies away from the police who had just now entered into the cornfield.

 The comet flies away from the police who had just now entered into the cornfield

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Officer: There he goes!

The two men stopped before the one with the white hat took out his walkie talkie. 

Sheriff: Suspect is heading west to the back 40 of the Douglass Farm.

Officer: Copy that.

Sheriff: You got that truck ready?

Officer: It'll be ready before he gets here, Sheriff Mason.

The engine of a police cruiser fired up, driving to the point where he would intercept the "living comet". Speaking of which, said creature appeared to be a flaming red streak, and was fast enough to out speed a police car. This guy clearly didn't have good balance as he continued to nearly collide with the dirt. Corn stalks flew into the air as the officer drove after the strange creature who would pull off a strange maneuver. 

 It turned right, flying forwards before making a U-Turn. With its speed and aerial advantage this wouldn't be a problem. However, this wouldn't be the case for the land-bound car. Due to it constantly being held back by the corn stalks, this would add some distance between pursuer and pursued. The creature would attempt to outmaneuver the police but failed miserably. It turned its head around, trying to gauge the distance between them but forgot that he was still moving forwards. Once he looked back, he entered into a head-on collision with a scarecrow.

Upon landing he slid across the ground while groaning in pain. The creature would rise to his feet, nursing his bruised head as he did so. Now that he wasn't covered head-to-toe in flames, we could see just what the "comet" was. It had been an adolescent male Pyronite. A Plumber's badge was attached to his chest for whatever reason. 


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