Lucky Girl

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Guide: And behind the impenetrable glass is the recently discovered and only copy of the Arkamada book of spells.

Gwen/Guide: It contains ancient witchcraft and rituals from the late 1600s.

Guide: Maybe you should work here, dear.

Y/N: Well, that was rude. Gwen just ignore her.

Jen: Y/N's right don't let mummy-face get to you. She's probably older than that spellbook.

She then makes a funny face and the two of you laugh. The museum then rumbles, and everyone starts to float.

Y/N: Please don't tell me there's a red balloon floating our way.

Max: Something tells me this isn't on the tour.

A man in a red cloak then appears in front of the book.

A man in a red cloak then appears in front of the book

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???: The Arkamada book of spells. All of its power shall soon be mine. Fah-me-doof!

One of his charms then starts to glow and the glass explodes. You and Jen then reach for your watches. He then levitates the book into his hands.

Jen: Now would be a good time to go hero.

Y/N: Oh no!

He then makes everyone fall back to the ground.

You and Jen then transform before you hit the ground. You turn into Big Chill while Jen turns into XLR8.

She then runs to a banner and ties it to a railing. You then fly to the other end and do the same thing. Everyone then falls onto the banner and slides down.

XLR8: Everyone out.

Max: Be careful you two. You guys don't know what tricks he has up his sleeves.

Big Chill: We'll be careful.

They then run off.

XLR8: Dude you want a book try the library.

One of his charms then starts to glow.

???: Bethi-mordor-natta!

Fire then comes out of his staff, and you use your ice breath against it.

Big Chill: Fire v Ice. Not a smart move.

He then shoots red shards at you and Jen runs up the wall while you turn intangible and sink into the floor. She dodges them all and charges at the mysterious sorcerer again, but he blinds her with a bright light. They then throw trash cans at him, and he looks at them.

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