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The four of you were walking through the city. Max stopped at a farmer's market to get some food. 

Gwen: So, what do you think he's gonna make for dinner this time? 

Jen: I don't want to imagine it. 

Dio; Frog leg stew, goat's eye in salad, beetles for croutons. 

Y/N: You don't have an alternate personality imagining it for you. 

You run to the nearest trash can and hurl into it. 

Jolyne; That was unnecessary. 

Dio; I know. I just wanted to see what would happen. 

A large mutant landed in the middle of the street. It was a sort of chameleon-wasp hybrid. Using its extendable tongue, it grabbed a car and started to eat it. 

Jen: Why is there a mutant chameleon in the middle of the street?

Gwen: I don't know but only one person's capable of this. 

As soon as she said that a familiar laugh could be heard from the rooftop. The three of you looked up and saw Dr. Animo. 

Dr. Animo: Bear witness to the genius that is Dr. Animo!

Y/N: And he's back. 

Jen: It's hero time! 

She activated the Omnitrix and scrolled to Snare-Oh. You activated the Ultimatrix and scrolled to Upgrade. The two of you slammed down on your dials and transformed into your selected aliens. 

Jen attacked and lashed two bandages at the mutant. You looked around for any useful technology but couldn't find anything.

Y/N; In hindsight I probably should have thought this through.

Jolyne; Oh, come on. There's loads of tech you could upgrade. 

Dio; Look behind you. 

Y/N did and saw a speaker lying around. He merged with it and saw Jen grabbing the mutant with her bandages. He formed four spider legs and scuttled over to the battle. He fired a sound blast, knocking both Jen and the mutant away. 

Upgrade(Y/N): How about some beats by Upgrade! 

The mutant curled its abdomen, trying to stab Jen but she dispersed her bandages and revealed her chest cavity. You fired an optic beam at the mutant which stunned it and caused it to change targets. It leapt into the air and started flying and what it did shocked the both of you. It turned invisible. 

The only thing alerting you to its presence was the buzzing sound of its wings flapping. The speaker you were merged with was knocked down by the invisible opponent. It released its camouflage and was immediately punched by Jen. 

Snare-Oh: Are you kidding me. We gotta play hide and seek with this thing?

Upgrade(Y/N): Looks like it. 

The mutant got up and turned invisible yet again. You demerged with the speaker and saw Jen get pulled into the air. You extend your arms and grab her legs while she punched its body. While invisible, it was still able to be attacked. It dropped Jen and she fell onto you. The creature then set its sights on you, grabbing you and throwing you into an appliance store.

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