Last Laugh

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Two thugs climb onto a boat.

Thug1: Knocking over that yacht was a piece of cake. 

They laugh and then see a pair of glowing eyes in the water. You shoot your neuroshock beam knocking then thug out and Jen pulls the other one into the water as Ripjaws. 

Jetray: Good job Jenny.

Ripjaws: Thanks N/N.

She kisses you on the cheek and the two of you swim off. 


Max drives the Rustbucket and you, Jen, and Gwen sit down.

Gwen: Zombozo's Traveling Circus of Laughs? Cool!

Max: I haven't been to a circus since I was a boy. Sounds like fun. What do you guys think?

Gwen: I love the circus.

Jen: That's because you belong in one. 

Y/N: Sure. Why not?

Jen: You too N/N?

Y/N: What? It might be fun. I'm gonna go use the bathroom.

You then get up and walk into the bathroom. When you wash your hands, you look in the mirror and see your reflection with a sinister grin.

A/N: Y/NI is your insecurities talking.

Y/NI: Pathetic. You're nothing but a loser and it's gonna stay that way even with the Ultimatrix.

Y/N: Shut up.

Y/NI: Mad because I'm speaking the truth? Jen would leave you in an instant for Kevin.

Y/N: Please stop.

Y/NI: You don't deserve your power. You're nothing but a loser. Always have been, always will be. You will never be strong. Loser.

You then walk out of the bathroom and sit down. 

Jen: Besides it's pretty late.

Max: Jen it's 11:00 in the morning. 

Jen: Fine! You guys want to go see some stupid circus, fine.

Y/N; I know what this is about. 

You tug on her shirt and motion for her to follow you.

Y/N: Is this because of your fear of clowns?

Jen: What? No.

You then look at her with a really look.

Jen: Yes, it is. How did you know?

Y/N: One you're my best friend/girlfriend and two I should know since I caused it. 

You then look down.

Jen: It's not your fault N/N you didn't know. You have to stop blaming yourself.

Y/N: It is. I traumatized you and then laughed at your fear. I'm a terrible person. 

She then kisses you on the lips and holds your face with her hands.

Jen: Listen to me Y/N I love you and that will never change alright.

Y/N: Alright.


Max: Looks like the entire town's turned out for the show. 

Jen holds you hand while the two of you walk together. She looks around and sees the various posters of Zombozo. 

Jen: It's probably sold out. We're probably just wasting our time. 

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