Monster Weather

587 15 70

Rock music played as the camera showed a music festival. 

Guy: The gates to Rockin Chicago are open! 

You guys walked towards the festival and saw Max dressed like a 60s hippie. He took his hand from out of his pocket. 

Max: Come on we're gonna be late. 

You and Jen snickered at his appearance. 

Max: What's so funny? 

Y/N: What-What *wheezes* What are you wearing? 

Max: Don't hate on the threads. 

Jen: Please never say that again.

You noticed a weatherman doing a report with a strange machine next to him. It a disk-shaped head with three nozzles sticking off of it. Three purple-glowing dots were its eyes. Its head was connected to its cylindrical body via a pipe. It had plasma globes for hands connected to its body by the same tubing as its head. There was a square slot on its body and above it was the word "S.A.M" written in bold red letters. 

Weatherman: So, expect another scorcher with highs in downtown Chicago to top 90

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Weatherman: So, expect another scorcher with highs in downtown Chicago to top 90. 

The robot also spoke, its eyes pulsing as it did so. 

S.A.M: And with no rain in sight, it's enough to make my cranium rotate. 

Its head lifted up and spun rapidly. 

Weatherman: Not so fast S.A.M. This meteorologist thinks Chicago's draught might be over. This is Vance Vetteroy reporting.

Once the broadcast ended Vance took out some notes. You hesitantly approached him. 

Y/N: H-Hello sir. T-That's a cool robot y-you got there. It scans the wind pressure and speed i-if I'm not mistaken. 

Vance: Yeah. But the Sounding Anemometer Metagraph is no robot. He's a weather monitoring apparatus. 

Y/N: Apologies. 

Vance: No, it's not your fault. It's a common misconception. I've just been having a hard time lately. 

Y/N: D-Did you m-make him yourself?

Vance: Yeah, I did. He's like my child and I love him. 

Y/N: He's very impressive. You must be very skilled in engineering. 

Vance: I am. Thanks kid. You're the first person to actually respect me for my work. 

Y/N: No problem, sir. 

You walked back over to the Tennysons and Vance took off on of S.A.M's panels. After getting a taste of respect he wanted more. 

S.A.M: Vance, what are you doing? 

Vance: What I should've done a long time ago reprogramming your circuitry. When you ascend past the troposphere you'll release a hydro-oxidated solution, creating a gathering of cumulous clouds producing rain. 

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