Grudge Match

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You and Jen get knocked back. Her as Diamondhead and you as Humungousaur.

Kevin: You two are one sorry sight.

Humungousaur: Pot calling the kettle black much. 

Kevin: It's payback time for turning me into a freak. 

Diamondhead: Bitch you did this to yourself. You were always a freak it's just now you have a body to match your ugly ass personality. 

Kevin: Diss me all you want. I'm still 10 times better than the two of you. I've got all of your powers plus my own. I'm Kevin 11.

He then fires diamond shards at you guys. 

Humungousaur: You still don't have mine. 

You knock the shards away with your tail and Jen catches one aimed at her face.

Diamondhead: Too bad each one of those is only a tenth as powerful as us. 

Kevin then barfs spit at the two of you.

Humungousaur: That's just plain nasty.

Diamondhead: Gwen's right this stuff is gross. 

Kevin charges at Jen but you smack him away. 

Humungousaur: Listen up. I hate repeating myself... it's useless. You're not gonna win this fight Kevin so give up. 

Kevin: Never!

He goes to tackle you, but Jen smacks him with a diamond sword, and you punch him in the face. You then grab him by the tail and throw him into a windmill. He throws it at you, and you grow to catch it. You then throw it back at him and knock him down. He gets up and glares at you. The three of you charge at each other but you guys get beamed up. 

Announcer: Presenting our newest challenger from planet Earth. 

Humungousaur: Challenger?

Something then rolls into you and knocks you back. You see that it is a giant robot so you back up.

???; Give me control.

Y/N; What?

???; Give me control, I can handle this.

Y/N; Okay.

Your eyes then roll back and change from (e/c) to brown.

Your eyes then roll back and change from (e/c) to brown

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Humungousaur(???): All right you bucket of bolts. Time to show you to the junkyard. 

Its hands turn to blades, and it swings at you. You knock it back with your tail and punch it. It tries to slice you, but you grab its blade and throw it into the wall. The robot is then destroyed. 

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