Kevin's Big Score

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A/N: Are you ready to beat Kevin half to death? 

Our story begins in one of Bellwood's numerous alleyways. The camera pans down from a fire escape where a rat scurried across the screen. The vermin was about to stick its head in a can when an even larger rodent fired at the quadrupedal menace. It fucking died, providing the alien with a meal. He was a giant porcupine. 

A/N: God, I hate you

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A/N: God, I hate you.

???: Ha!

He picked up the dead rodent and feasted on it. A crunch could be heard as the dead rat slid down his throat. Seconds later a light shined from behind him, causing him to turn around. Kevin's car pulled into the alleyway, it seemed he knew this... thing. The camera focused on the car door, showing the giant rat in the reflection. 

???: Kevin, buddy. I've been waiting like an hour.

The window rolled down, revealing Kevin's resting bitch face. He stuck his elbow out of the car while he talked for whatever reason. 

Kevin: I said I'd be here, and I'm here Argit. What's your proposition?

The scourge of my exist-I mean Argit would respond to Kevin with mock sadness.

Argit: Aww, why do you gotta be such a downer? After all we been through? Ain't ya glad to see your old runnin' buddy?

Kevin's response was retracting his elbow and slowly rolling up the window. He should've just run him over, but hey what do I know? The engine of his muscle car fires up and he pulls the stick all the way back, putting the gear in reverse. Argit would begin to panic at this and pressed his palms up against the glass to try to get him to stop.

Argit: I got that tech you're looking for. 

He slid down the window, causing Argit to smirk. He had Kevin hooked and he could use this to his advantage. 

Kevin: What makes you think I'm looking for anything?

The con-man's eyes narrowed as he called the absorbing man's bluff.

Argit: Oh come on, Kev. Octagon Vreedle says you've been vid-messaging all the underground swappers. You're in the market for a specific primo machino. And I got it.

Kevin: For real? 

Argit: Oh, now you're listening, now that I can do something for you. You are so off my contact list, man.

A/N: I'm honestly tempted to kill him off but I fucking can't because I need him later

 He walked away, seemingly annoyed at the 16-year-old convict. Kevin slowly drove after the giant rat, as to not run him over. Once the car was side by side with the rat man, its driver looked out of the window, trying to convince this thing to help him out.

Kevin: Come on Argit. You've burned me on so many deals so many times it makes me forget how tight we really are. 

He said with a sincere tone causing the large rodent's beady yellow eyes to soften for a moment. He stopped in his tracks, allowing Kevin to catch up to him. He held out his fist, knocking it together with Kevin's as the two reconciled.

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