Pier Pressure

568 18 20

We get a panning shot of a forest at night. Almost nothing is active in the great outdoors, sans a couple crickets who were chirping. The panning ends once the camera lands on a thick vertical smoke trail. The camera then zoomed into the smoke, revealing its the product of a crashed spaceship. Viscous green fluid then slips through a crack in the wreckage, forming one of my favorite things in this franchise. The goop melds and transforms into a bio-mechanical organism with nubs for hands, no legs, and one eye.

 The goop melds and transforms into a bio-mechanical organism with nubs for hands, no legs, and one eye

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A/N: There shall be no Ship slander here

The creature slithers around the crater for a bit before its back expanded. It then leapt out of the large crater, landing on the dirt with a squish before slithering out of the forest. We then cut to a nearby road where a car passed by a large, damaged freighter truck. The green blob stealthily slithered towards the vehicle while its operator struggled to hold it up with a car jack. The preoccupied driver would fail to notice the amorphous green blob entering the vehicle through its grille. 

 Once inside the creature would meld with it in a similar manner to what you and Jen would do as Upgrade. A green and black texture overtook the vehicle before it would drive off on its own. One of the wheels would knock down the driver, greatly annoying him. Thinking it was just some kid playing a prank the irate trucker stood up to face the carjacker with a stern talking to. 

Driver: Hey! Where do you think you're going with my...

His sentence would end when the truck's cabin turned to face him. Tires squealed and smoke emerged from the black circles. The stench of burnt rubber invaded his nostrils, causing him to flinch. The truck would then rapidly approach him before curving upwards into the air and glaring down at him. It was clear that whatever this thing was it was far beyond his comprehension. The driver backed away from the possessed vehicle, his terror only growing as a mouth formed where the grille once was. It was then that the creature possessing the lunged downwards with its mouth gaping open, causing the man to scream.

The next day you and Gwen sat in the bleachers at a field and watched Jen's soccer game. You didn't wear your hoodie this time, showing off your (s/f/c) t-shirt along with your muscled physique. The home team was up 2 and the opposing team had just a minute thirty left before their defeat. While the ball was being moved back to the center of the field Jen's eyes would dart to the stands where she would see you. Her lips curved upwards into a smile, your presence giving her a lot more motivation. 

Gwen: Come on. You should definitely ask her out. I mean what's the harm, you two are already dating.

Y/N: What? No. I mean after what just happened don't you think it's I don't know...a little rude?

Gwen: No. It would be a nice way to take your mind off things. Trust me, you need this.

Y/N would look away from the ginger-haired girl to think. The thought of going on a date with Jen did sound appealing to him. Yet in that same vein of thought he realized that maybe she still needed some more time to process the death of her grandfather, after all he had yet to come to terms with it himself. 

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