The Ultimate Weapon

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Max: Well, what do you think? Bet you've never tasted anything like that before. 

Y/N: It's certainly... unique. 

Dio; That's a word to describe it but it's not the word I'd use. 

Jen: What's the crunchy stuff?

Max: Dung beetle.


They spit it out and you gag into your bag. 

Max: What too spicy? You'll get used to it.

An alarm then sounds.

Dio; What's that about?

Y/N; I don't know but I don't like it. 

A monitor comes down and conks you on the head.

Jen: Y/N!

Y/N: Hey!

The monitor comes closer to Max.

Max: No.

Jen: Grandpa what is it? 

Max: The mask from Apuk. It's the key to the most powerful and destructive weapon ever created. 

He goes and starts driving. 

Max: The mask of Apuk is the guide to the sword of Echtua. The plumbers searched for it for decades without any luck. 

Y/N: Echtua as in the Mayan God of War Echtua? That sword is dangerous. It was rumored to be able to demolish cities with a single swipe. 

Max: Yes. You know your stuff Y/N.

Y/N: Thanks.

Dio; Ooh, ooh. Can I handle this?

Y/N; Sure. You can deal with this.

Dio; Thanks. 

Your (e/c) roll back and turn brown. Your hair goes from (h/c) to blond. 

Jen: Hah! Sounds like just the kind of thing the world's most powerful 10-year-old girl should have

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Jen: Hah! Sounds like just the kind of thing the world's most powerful 10-year-old girl should have. 

Dio: If what Y/N said is true it's way too dangerous for anyone to have.

Jen: Dio! Why are you here?

Dio: Y/N let me have control for today. I may be an egotistical asshole but even I know when something is too dangerous for my own good. 

Max: Exactly. This is no toy, Jennifer. Whoever controls the sword controls the destiny of mankind, and I will not let it fall into the wrong hands. 

Dio; Max seems pretty serious about this.

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