Valentines Day Special

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A/N: Hey if any of you are good at art could you make some fanart for this story? If it's too much to ask then you don't have to. 

The Rustbucket comes to a halt and the RV opens its doors. Jen, Gwen, and Max Tennyson step out followed by Y/N L/N sporting a F/C hoodie with an atom on the back. He is also wearing this hat. It is F/C with a golden pin with a beaker on it. The back of said hat is frayed and looks like hair. 

A/N: This but F/C

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A/N: This but F/C

You shift your cap and stretch your back. 

Max: Ah Savannah, Georgia one of the most romantic cities in the country. 

You blush and cover yourself with the hood. 

Max: First stop Forsynth Park. 

Gwen: Sounds like a good idea. 

Jen: Why did we have to stop here? 

Max: Come on Jen it's a nice change of pace from the hustle and bustle we're used to. 

Y/N: P-Plus this place is beautiful. 

Y/N; Not as beautiful as her though. 

Dio; It's hilarious how you can be so calm and collected in a fight, but social interactions and romance is your Achilles heel. 

Y/N; Oh, don't start this Dio. 

Dio; Just saying. 

You guys walk through the city passing building after building and seeing the architecture. 


???(M): Stupid romance. 

???(F): Stupid couples. 

???(M): Well Eros all of that garbage will end soon. Our gear is complete. 

The woman known as Eros gains a slight smirk at the new development. 

Eros: Great. You will champion the skies.

???(M): And you the ground. 

???(M)/Eros: We are the Anti-Cupids Psyche and Eros!!!!

They laugh maniacally as the begin their plan. 

Back to our heros

The four of you finally reach Forsynth Park as you walk with Jen. She holds your hand and you blush. 

Y/N; U-Uh. 

Jolyne; HAHAHAHAHAH!!! You crack me up N/N. 

Dio; I know he's truly comical. 

Y/N; I'm not trying to be funny. I doubt any of you have any experience with this sort of thing. 

Jolyne; I actually had a boyfriend for your information. You know I always thought boys were snobbish, dumb, horny bastards who could smooth talk a girl easily. But after meeting you I see I was wrong. 

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