Jen 10,000

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A/N: Sorry for the long hiatus. You can thank Rustage, Connor Quest, and McGwire for my new motivation to write this story. 

The four of you stand outside the Rustbucket which is parked on a lake. Max pulls out the tarp while Gwen grabs the marshmallows. 

Gwen: I've got the marshmallows. 

Jen: I've got the Graham Crackers. 

Y/N: And I just lit the bonfire. S'mores time. 

Max: You know it is so nice to see the three of you getting along. 

Jolyne; Especially Jen and Gwen. I'm surprised they aren't tearing each other's throats out by now.

Dio; So am I. 

Y/N; They aren't that bad guys. 

Jolyne; Let's agree to disagree.

Max: I'll be back in a jiffy.

Jen/Gwen: Great!

Y/N; Uh-oh.

Gwen: Is he gone?

Jen: Yep. 

You turn around and see the two of them fighting like usual. 

Jen/Gwen: This is your fault!

Y/N: Yare yare daze. 

The MC pulls his (f/c) cap down and looks at his two female friends. 

Y/N: What's wrong this time?

The two of them look at you so fast that it almost gave you whiplash from watching them.

Y/N; Damn didn't think they could turn that fast. 

Gwen: This doofus ruined Grandpa's birthday!

Jen: No I didn't! N/N tell her that I made it better!

They yell at you and you hold your hands up while sheepishly making noises. 

Y/N: What's wrong now? 

Gwen holds out a sheet of paper, you know the girl's tendency to meticulously plan things you feared what would occur. 

Gwen: I planned his birthday to the wire. 

Jen: You chose his birthday wish? 


Gwen: And how's he supposed to make one without a cake which you were supposed to get?

Y/N: Jen, you forgot the cake?

Jen: M-Maybe. 

Y/N: You mean you forgot to get the thing I explicitly told you to remember to get? 

Jen: Y-Yes. 

Y/N says nothing and instead charges up his Hamon.

Jen: Y-Y/N what are you doing?

The boy says nothing as a menacing aura surrounds him. 

Jen: C-Come on. With how busy we are how do you expect me to find the time to get a dumb cake?

His clackers come out and it was at this moment Jen knew... she fucked up.

Jen: Okay! Okay! I'll get the cake! 

A portal resembling one of the Charms of Bezel opens up, blowing a strong gust of wind towards you guys. 

Jen: Okay, this can't be good. 

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