Race Against Time

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Our story begins on a dark night. The camera pans down from a crescent moon to overlook the city of Bellwood, your hometown. The camera moves into an area of the city with smaller buildings and businesses. The area seems lifeless until a mass of purple energy begins to gather around the center of the street.

The energy would clump up, creating a distortion ripple around the area. Suddenly, a man formed from the ripple donning strange attire. His head was concealed by a tinted black helmet with neon purple lining. A long and armored black trench coat covered up his thick body armor. His gauntlets glowed with the same purple lines as his helmet, serving as a way to gather information through internet access.

The man would slowly walk down the middle of the street, causing a weird effect on anything in his surroundings

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The man would slowly walk down the middle of the street, causing a weird effect on anything in his surroundings. One of the buildings that he passed aged centuries in a matter of seconds before it crumbled. The vibrant blue frame of a nearby car would be quickly consumed by rust. He stepped in front of a bank, a purple energy orb forming and growing in his opened palm as he simply stared at the building.

Sirens grew louder as a police car approached the stairs of the establishment. Its driver put the vehicle in park as two officers stepped out.

???: They should be here... any second now.

Cop: Freeze!

The law enforcer unholstered and aimed his pistol at the strangely dressed man. A soft chuckle filled the air as the strange man turned around to face the two officers.

???: Ah, the Bellwood Police Department. Still blissfully unaware of how inadequate you are in today's society. I would call these times the good old days but alas, they're sure as hell not good.

Cop: You have a right to remain silent...

???: You're thinking you can arrest me because I'm outnumbered, aren't you? Well guess what?

He snapped his fingers, causing three purple portals to form behind him. Dozens of foot soldiers wielding energy blades emerged from the portals, each one taking a stance as the officers began to sweat in fear.

???: I'm not.

He snapped his fingers yet again, closing the portals and sending his servants after the cops. They fired at them, but all of their bullets would bounce off their armor as they charged towards them. One of the foot soldiers drove their blade through an officer's chest. Blood spilt out of the wound as the blade began to affect its victim.

The officer began to rapidly age in a similar manner to the building and car before him. In mere milliseconds he went through his 40s, 50s, 60s, all the way until he reached 100 and died of old age. The blade was still unsatisfied, however. It didn't stop at just simply killing him. The strange weapon continued to affect his carcass, aging it to ash. The event that the second officer had witnessed horrified him. Consumed with fear he would make an attempt to run away from the scene of the crime but wouldn't manage to pass his own squad car.

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