Divide And Conquer

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The story starts on a sunny day. Rays of golden sun washed over the Rustbucket as the camera entered the RV. You and Jen were hanging out together and reading comics, like the good friends you were. 

Jen: Oh, come on!

You laughed at her. 

Y/N:  What is it? 

Jen: You mean to tell me Iron Man hired Titanium Man to attack just to stop a bill. 

Y/N: Oh, you're reading Civil War. 

Josuke; Civil what now? 

Y/N; Civil War. It's the recent Avengers comic arc. 

Josuke; You read comics? 

Jolyne; You just noticed that? Our latest addition to the family is a nerd. 

Y/N; Hey!

Jolyne; I mean that in a nice way. 

Dio; Not going to lie out of the three of us in here you're the smartest. 

Y/N; Thanks. But that's not much of an accomplishment. 

Jolyne; What's that supposed to mean? 

You mentally whistled as you walked up to Jen. 

Jen: Yeah. So, if I remember correctly Nitro did his thing and killed 60 kids, Hulk went on a rampage in Vegas killing civilians and then got shot into space by the Illuminati, and now 90% of all mutants have lost their powers. 

Jolyne; Hey! Don't ignore me! 

You continued to avoid her question and talk to Jen. 

Y/N: From what I got from the comics, yeah. Scarlet Witch does weird things with her powers, 986,618 either lost their powers or died from losing their powers. 

Jen: Damn. That sucks. 

Y/N: At least Tony's efforts worked. 

Jen smacked you on the head and pouted. 

Jen: Hey, no spoilers! 

You found her pout cute and chuckled a bit. 

Y/N: Sorry, sorry. You're not gonna like what comes next. I assure you I didn't. 

As the two of you discussed comics like the good friends the two of you were, a robbery was happening nearby. They had cleared the store of all of its valuables and were about to exit. The crooks burst out of the glass window, alerting the two of you. 

Gwen: Jen...

Jen: I know, I know... hero time. 

She said somberly as she wished to just have a moment free of the Omnitrix or being a hero. You and her selected your transformations. You chose Goop while Jen chose Diamondhead. Both of you slammed down on your dials and transformed. Only one of you got the right transformation. 

Echo Echo: Oh, come on! Let's go. 

You tried to open the door by jumping to reach the handle, but you were too short. Jen tried to hold in her laugh at this. 

Diamondhead: Need a little help there?

Echo Echo: Yes. 

She opened the door and then came your next challenge: the stairs. Not wanting to waste more time she picked you up and carried you down the stairs. 

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