Midnight Madness and the 7-Page Muda

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The four of you wall out of the Mega-Mall-Opolis carrying bags of various assortments. 

Gwen: 500 stores, 72 restaurants, 48 movie screens, an indoor roller coaster! 

Jolyne; Who needs all of this? 

Y/N; That's a good question. 

Jen: We could just spend the whole summer here. This mall has everything. 

Y/N: I don't think sleeping in a parking lot is very appealing. 

Gwen: Neither is sleeping in an RV.

The alarm sounds and you can see the silhouettes of three burglars. Three security guards bust out of the doors with their guns cocked. 

Security Guard: Halt in the name of mall security!

Max: They even have their own police force. 

Y/N: Every mall has that, it's not impressive. 

You press the button on the Ultimatrix causing the dial to pop up. You hold up your hand as a gesture for Jen to stay out of this before she activated her watch. 

Y/N: Jen there's no need to get involved. I know a certain crab that will have this wrapped up in nanoseconds. 

You scroll until you see the symbol of Brainstorm and press down on the dial. You transform and chase after the criminals along with the mall cops. They leap up onto a street pole with incredible strength before leaping into the parking garage. 

Y/N; They just leaped upwards of about 30 feet before leaping into a parking garage 40 feet away. How strong are these rapscallions? And better yet how am I going to give chase. 

You scuttle across the sidewalk looking for a way up until a brilliant thought strikes your enlarged brain. You concentrate, feeling the electrical currents running through the air. You channel them into an electric yellow platform underneath you and a smile crosses your crustacean features. 

A/N: Yes, I did look it up. Apparently Cerebrocrustaceans can levitate themselves with electricity. Who knew? 

Y/N; Hypothesis confirmed. 

You use your newfound power to levitate yourself up to the parking garage where you see the perpetrators.

Brainstorm: Halt ne'er-do-wells! Return the stolen property and you will receive transportation to confinement unscathed. 

The criminals turn around revealing themselves to be senior citizens. 

Brainstorm: What in blazes? 

They charge at you, eliciting a high-pitched shriek from you. You create an electric sphere, protecting yourself from the attack. You drop the dome and instead pick them up using your electric telekinesis and throw them away. They get back up and appear very sprightly as they perform acrobatic tricks. 

Brainstorm: How are your joints in good enough condition to perform maneuvers such as those? 

Dio; And why are there old people robbing a mall? 

They then get into a weird pose, and you look at them puzzled. 

Jolyne; What the actual fuck are they doing? 

Dio; I don't know... and I don't like it. 

Y/N; Neither do I. 

They both then leap onto the concrete pillars and leap at you. 

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