The Return

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The scene opens on Digby Dairy, the place where you and Jen had battled the mummy. Crickets chirp as the same two guards that the mummy had turned into mutants were asleep on the job again. The alarm rings, startling them awake. They grabbed their flashlights and looked around. 

Guard: Probably, some kids looking for free samples. 

The alarm was torn off by a familiar, black-clawed hand. It growled as it leapt across the pipes. It was the werewolf, sniffing around for its compatriot. It got on all fours and sniffed the ground. It caught the mummy's scent and busted through a door to get downstairs. It kicked through another door and sniffed the air. 

The beast caught the mummy's scent and violently scratched through the concrete. It picked up its comrade. The werewolf smacked it awake and the guards saw the broken doors. They went downstairs and saw the two, mistaking them for Halloween costumes. 

Guard: Alright, kiddies, snack time's over. 

Guard2: What the fuck?!

Purple lighting then comes through the wall and a ripple effect occurs before a purple flash engulfed the two. When next the guards looked, they were gone, their only remnant being a smoke cloud. 

The scene changed to a highway where a prison bus rammed into the Rustbucket. 

Dio; Some people have no chill. 

It swerved and grinded on the side of the RV. As soon as it passed the Rustbucket Jen went to activate the Omnitrix. 

Jen: Those cons picked the wrong bridge at the wrong time. 

Y/N: Jen we need a plan of attack. 

Jen got up and walked to the door. 

Jen: I have a plan... attack. 

She scrolled to Four Arms and slammed down on the dial only to become Stinkfly. 

Stinkfly: I can work with this. I'm gonna need some backup N/N. 

She flew out of the Rustbucket and followed the prison bus. You activated the Ultimatrix and scrolled to the hologram of Jetray. 

Y/N: I love you Jen but sometimes you just get on my nerves. 

You slammed down on the dial and transformed. 

Jetray: Does the Rustbucket have a grappling hook?

Max: Yeah. 

Jetray: If this thing goes off the highway, I'm gonna need you to tow it back on. 

And with that you flew out after Jen. 

Prisoner: Next stop, freedom. 

Jen stuck to the side of the bus and stuck her head in the window. 

Stinkfly: I'm gonna need to see your get out of jail free card in that case. 

Prisoner: Eww. And I thought the prison food smelled gross. 

A/N: Fun fact they guy who voiced him also voiced Cyborg and Manny

Stinkfly: I know a guy who smells a hell of a lot worse. 

She grabbed the steering wheel and caused the bus to swerve. The prisoner was crying from how bad it smelled and another prisoner came to the front holding a chain. 

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